Thank you!
Sorry maybe is off topic but i need this information before i buy processor for upgrade
my iMac is 5k mid 2015 with lower processor ever i5 4590 3,3 ghz but the same socket 1150 like your late 2014. I want to upgrade with i7 4790k and i want to be sure is compatiblle. Aparently are the same imacs only cpu and gpu is different. I try to find someone who do this upgrade before but i didn't find nobody on internet.
Thanks Bobby
Regarding upgrading fan in 2014/2015 iMac 5K and changing it to dual fan from iMac Pro, it wont be possible. This two fans are slightly slimmer, but they taking much more space inside. They have 6 pin connector instead of 4pins in iMac 5K 2014/15.
But there is a chance to fix/glue/weld two fans from iMac 2014 into one. Only disadvantage will be taking off HDD bracket out. Like here:
Here you have this two iMacs side-by-side:
So its possible

[doublepost=1525738613][/doublepost]Update III: Delid & Relid of i7 4790K
Disassembly of my iMac took me around 25min

I met really nice local guy in London -
uk-delid - with cheap auction on eBay -
DELID & RELID service UK - Intel CPUs (Coffee lake, Kaby lake, Skylake, Haswell)
Thank you for you great job!
Process took only 45min.
But now, CPU is idling between 45-50c and reaching max 93c when in stress before fan kick's-in to lower temps to 80-85c.
GTA 5 - 15min in game - not even once throttling below 4GHz
Youtube and EyeTV - 1h video and TV
Ended with total difference around 25c lower!!! But the best thing is, CPU won't thermal throttle to get lower
frequency and therefore lower temperature, like it was doing before while processing 4K video in iMovie.
Thank you Intel(R) for low-quality toothpaste on my CPU!