Where do you find the crash log?
Note the time it locked up, or whatever oddity it did.. Then next time you boot it, go to your Applications > Utilities folder, and launch the 'Console' app. Click the 'Logs' icon in the top left, then click on system. If its empty, or doesn't look like its showing everything, click on reload.
From around the time it locked up, you may well find something that starts with ** ASIC Hang Log Start ** followed by a ton of stuff, and perhaps **ASIC Hang Log End ** at the end of it all. This will be at the time you forced a shut down on the mac via the power button. You copy/paste what you find into a text edit doc.
At least thats what i do anyway. If anyone knows a better way, Im all ears.
Anyway, I just found tonight that UT2004 locks up in Windows XP too (It didnt yesterday, but maybe I didnt give it long enough). And the symptoms are near enough identical. It froze in the usual way. I left it for a moment, then the screen went black. But I could still hear the game running in the background.
So once again, the graphics system is taking a dump, just as it does in OS X.
So this makes me think again about a hardware problem. Then again, whats to say the XP drivers are not just as bad as the OS X ones. After all, Apple still compiled them together for bootcamp.
Now to update the Apple tech folk..