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-iPod mini it was small and cool
-iPod photo it was huge and delightful
-iPod nano it is frickin brilliant
-iPod video is still yet to trouble my bank balance, but will
-This PowerBook is by far the best computer ever
-My Sony z800i is a marvel (a tad large) but it packs a punch
-There are so many
-I reckon though my Quad will be my favourite 4GB ram 7800gt and 500gb
-EyeTV is pretty cool as well
-So's the 20" Apple Display

-Acer travelmate cost $4500 and was stuffed from day one
-Buying a version of Windows legally (what was i thinking)
-my current desk, coz it can't fit everything on it
-Otherwise everything is sweet
-None are from Apple anyway (keep it up)
Best: 8-ball and two ladies in e Vegas

Worst: 8-ball and two ladies in Vegas
Best: Benchmade 154CN Pocket Knife, most useful and sturdy knife I have ever had

Worst: 1st 23" Apple display. Should have waited for a 30".
Best: Mac Mini.. how could I live without her?

Worst: voice MP3 recorder, Crazy Taxi 3.
True impulse.

Best: BMW X3. I went in to order my new E60 and ended up coming home with an X3 for the wife also. And we love it. Fantastic car that I had no intention of buying...

Worst: A Panasonic d-snap camera/recorder/media player. I don't remember the model number. It was a tiny little blue thing I bought on impulse at LAX while waiting for a flight home. Its file formats were proprietary and I couldn't use it at all with Linux (my platform back then). It said mpeg4 on the box but I learned the hard way about codecs vs proprietary containers...
devilot said:
How 'impulsive' are we talking? Like, just walked into a store and purchased? Less than a week of thought? I'll just go w/ 'just walked in...'

Best: $30 Simple (that's the brand name) boots that are UGG-knockoffs ( but cheaper/ more comfortable than UGG's 'classic' sole; nothing beats UGG's 'ultra' sole).

Worst: $300 pair of heels from Agent Provocateur (they are DAMN sexy but not comfy enough to really wear out; I've only worn them 3 times since I got them last December).

$300 for a pair of heels, the'd have to be Drop Dead sexy! You wouldn't have a picture of them? ;) . A tad off subject. my wife's had a bout of layrngitis for the past couple of days. Well, she started out whispering but her voice is coming back. Right now she sounds like Lauren Bacall and she's driving me crazy! I'm all for her getting better but I WANT her to keep the "voice":D
zagato27 said:
$300 for a pair of heels, the'd have to be Drop Dead sexy! You wouldn't have a picture of them? ;) . A tad off subject. my wife's had a bout of layrngitis for the past couple of days. Well, she started out whispering but her voice is coming back. Right now she sounds like Lauren Bacall and she's driving me crazy! I'm all for her getting better but I WANT her to keep the "voice":D

Man, $300 is but a drop... try some Jimmy Choo's :)
worst = 20inch iMac

My worst is a 20inch iMac because it got updated so soon so sold it and in line for a powerbook.

Best = Cellfone with color screen, sony dsc t33, phillips electric shaver - i cant stand using blades ever again.
oops, I charged it again...

best impulse buys: membership, current powerbook (well, i had been looking a year at it... so it was impulse to buy during power outage - i.e. no access to macrumors, hahaha). Fuji F-10 camera (iso 1600 suddenly feels like real pictures and motionstabilization!). My first quality water pipe. My 2004 Celica GTS. I impulse buy too much...

worst impulse buys: any online dating membership, ps2 (after GT4 got boring, I stopped playing everything), 5 hits of acid (long story), most of my computer books (now outdated, 49.99-59.99 ea.), Bjork - Medulla (I shouldve found a review first, there are no instruments!!!), Anytime I traded music gear or sold it on ebay - I should have currently no less that 4 classic synths and two drum machines - WTF was I thinking!!

Best: Azumanga Daioh. It's a comedy anime if you haven't heard of it. All I knew about it was a few animated gifs I saw on a website.

Worst: PSP. I never used it after I beat Ridge Racer and I never really "got" Lumines. I sold it a few months after.
BEST: Day 1 PS2 (was first in line at Sears on release day, they had a little known stock of 8). I've gotten so much use out of it, but it was a huge impulse buy for me back when I was in school with no $$.

WORST: Dell Inspiron 8000. Purchased this about 4 months before the bottom dropped out of the laptop market and prices dropped like crazy. At the time, I was self-employed, needed a laptop ASAP, and it had to be a desktop replacement for all the development I did at client sites. Only way I could purchase it was a small business lease through Dell. I'l cut the story short, but let's just say I paid $100 a month for FOUR years for this POS, just finished my lease a few months ago, and they let me buy it at the end for only $88. What a and learn I guess.
devman said:
Man, $300 is but a drop... try some Jimmy Choo's :)
I was waiting for someone to say that! These shoes are supposedly manufactured by the same people, just labeled differently. I love me some Jimmy Choo's-- the last time I was lucky enough to be in a boutique, I tried a pair on and all the women stopped, stared, pointed to them, and asked for the shoes in their size.

They told me and the associates that I should be paid to just wear them in store. :p

Ah yes, and the pair I was trying on? $850. Sigh.

Zagato27, I'll try to get some half decent photos of them but the 'cutest' part is now scuffed (on the bottom of the sandals, in red scripted lettering it says, 'Seduce me.' :D
devilot said:
I was waiting for someone to say that! These shoes are supposedly manufactured by the same people, just labeled differently. I love me some Jimmy Choo's-- the last time I was lucky enough to be in a boutique, I tried a pair on and all the women stopped, stared, pointed to them, and asked for the shoes in their size.

They told me and the associates that I should be paid to just wear them in store. :p

Ah yes, and the pair I was trying on? $850. Sigh.

Zagato27, I'll try to get some half decent photos of them but the 'cutest' part is now scuffed (on the bottom of the sandals, in red scripted lettering it says, 'Seduce me.' :D

Hmmm, sounds like we need a photo of your pins too! :p
devilot said:
I was waiting for someone to say that! These shoes are supposedly manufactured by the same people, just labeled differently. I love me some Jimmy Choo's-- the last time I was lucky enough to be in a boutique, I tried a pair on and all the women stopped, stared, pointed to them, and asked for the shoes in their size.

They told me and the associates that I should be paid to just wear them in store. :p

Ah yes, and the pair I was trying on? $850. Sigh.

Zagato27, I'll try to get some half decent photos of them but the 'cutest' part is now scuffed (on the bottom of the sandals, in red scripted lettering it says, 'Seduce me.' :D

Devilot, don't have a clue as to "who" makes the coolest shoes nor pricing. Just know what I like....heels and high. I would be interested in seeing what these pricey shoes look like. Hmmm, lettering on the sole. Who'd a thunk. Can't wait for the photos. BTW, noticed you changed your avitar. As to your eh. Makes it difficult. Cheers

BTW, one of my best purchases has been my 97 Maxima SE 5spd. Bought it used in 2000. A really sweet "Q-ship". Have to come back with a bit more complete list of good and bad. Have been enjoying everyone's responses:)
favourite: Airport Express, HK Soundstick II,

worst: Sony PSP... reason, UMD movies overpriced, Memory stick duo overpriced, games: few variety and overpriced, music... very lousy when compared to iPod...
it's a Jack of all trade but master of none
i have lots but i will think of the most recent ones.

Best: Serato Scratch Live - I can play mp3s on my turntables and I don't have to buy vinyl anymore (unless they are ultra rare songs and i can't find them online)

Worst: $500 inline skates. I barely wore them because they hurt my feet. now they don't even barely fit anymore. =(
Best: Various spontaneous impulse purchases of alcohol and good cheer over the years.

Worst: Leather coat (cost over £300, about US$600). Worn only a few times.
favorite: $440.00 dollars for a severely banged up 1965 fender telecaster electric guitar...really cool sounding and i played it for a long time once i got it working again

worst (or least practical): $190 for a ecco work boot which i only wear on weekends because i don't want to get it muddy (in my gardening/landscaping business) so i use equally sound footwear which costs way less money

...for me, i don't think i will ever need to spend two or three times more money for any shoe that is really not two or three times better/stronger...of course, if i only had one pair of shoes for work, day in and day out, i would then use, and prefer the ecco boots
Graphic Calculator from eBay - Makes my maths lesson so much better, no more working out what graphs look like. And I programed it to play Tetris, most useful.
Some random manga books - A friend kept bugging me to get some, and I walked it to a book shop looking for something but it wasn't there. Pick up a few manga book and got hooked.
An iMac - I've not got this yet, but I just wanted one one day for no real reason. I was planning to make a gaming rig to take to uni, but that money is now for my iMac :).

Some random manga books - Keeps sucking my money away, and I need to save for my iMac I'm going to get.
A graphic tablet - I'm not much of a creative person, I just dable every now and then. Got thing thing for about £200 or something, but I've no used it since the battries died ages ago.
I can't think of anything else, I try and plan what I buy as I've never had much money so I've almost always been careful on what I but.
Best: My PowerBook

Worst: Gym equipment. I spent a $1000 on this contraption thinking, "I spent so much money on this thing I'll force myself to use it!" WRONG!!! It's now been rusting away in the garage for 3 years.

I ended up joining a club to work out at.
The best impulse purchase is the iMac I bought this past weekend. I got it for $999 because it is the old 1.8 Ghz model.

The dumbest thing I bought was this iSight camera. I use it maybe once every few months.

Those are just the Apple related ones. There are too many other dumb purchases to remember.:rolleyes:
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