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where I can acquire Snow Leopard vers. server? :confused:
Excused my translate English.


Apple's online store's telesales agents [1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753)] or Customer Service and Sales Support at 1-800-676-2775 (ask for a Sales Representative)

Snow Leopard Server will cost about $399

Snow Leopard client will cost $19

Other sources for Snow Leopard Server: check on eBay
Pardon the obvious, but probably silly question:

If you prefer Snow Leopard, why bother with Parallels? Why would you ever want to switch to the nightmare that is Lion?

Other than the MBP, are there some machines that can't run SL as the only system?


I'm asking as I have a 2012 Mac Pro six-core, which came with Lion, and I desperately want to UPGRADE to Snow Leopard, if you know what I mean.

I'm reading all sorts of conflicting info on wether I can do this. I do NOT have an older Intel Mac that I can somehow use for drive-prep, or whatever.

I have Parallels, but the above method seems fairly complicated. (using terminal freaks me out) and I can't think of any reason to EVER run Lion or Mtn Lion.

So, what's the deal?

My iMac G5 died and I purchased the 2011 Mac Mini; it came with Lion installed and was not supposed to allow for Snow Leopard to run on it.

Through much research and work newfoundglory came up with a system to install Snow Leopard onto this machine:

Can I install Snow Leopard on the new Mac Mini?

If you search the Apple Support Communities forum, you may find answers to all of your questions.
Idiot question, I know, I know....

Miss Paranoia here, about to ask an idiot question two idiot questions:

1. Parallels 8 will allow a SL install, not just Windows, right? Their website touts all-things-Microsoft (for obvious reasons), but nothing about installing an Apple OS.

2. Will this require SL Server edition, as opposed to single user? Something I tripped across gave me the impression P8 verifies the licensing, and only Server is allowed for virtualization.

Like I said, idiot questions, but I've been led down so many false paths regarding SL via my Lion-only MBA, it's all beginning to run together.

(Need to access GoLive in SL on a late-2011 MBA...still have an older MBP running SL, but it's going into retirement soon.)

Thanks in advance for not rolling your eyes. :)
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No idiot questions: only idiot answers! :)

Yes, they promote Parallels' ability to run Windows, because that is the largest base of users, but it also supports other OS'.

For reasons that need not be described here, Parallels only supports the installation of Snow Leopard Server. If cost is not an issue for you, you can obtain Snow Leopard Server from Apple for $399 (maybe less on eBay) and you will be able to follow Parallels' installation instructions for SL Server.

If however, cost is an issue, you can obtain Snow Leopard client for $19 from Apple and follow these instructions to install it into Parallels.

Single user vs. Family pack is not an issue here, unless you plan to install Snow Leopard client on more than one Mac.

Let me know if you have any further questions! :)
Yes, they promote Parallels' ability to run Windows, because that is the largest base of users, but it also supports other OS'.


For reasons that need not be described here, Parallels only supports the installation of Snow Leopard Server. If cost is not an issue for you, you can obtain Snow Leopard Server from Apple for $399 (maybe less on eBay) and you will be able to follow Parallels' installation instructions for SL Server.

If however, cost is an issue, you can obtain Snow Leopard client for $19 from Apple and follow these instructions to install it into Parallels.

$399 is a bit rich for my blood, as they say. Since the other two computers are running SL, I can partition those, then install Lion on "the other side."

Have been on hold with 800-MYAPPLE for nearly 15 minutes...hopefully, someone's still manning the phone lines on a Sunday night. :)

You ROCK, MichaelLAX!
Just wanted to close this out for me by saying that I ended up talking with both my users and we decided that Eudora in vML was not the right solution for them after all.

So I ended up using a combination of Eudora Mailbox Cleaner to port over their contacts and Emailchemy to port over their mailboxes, into something I could then import into Contacts and Mac Mail.

It's not ideal solution, but better than that very significant bug using Eudora on vML that I wasn't able to get beyond.

Thanks for all the help, MichaelLAX! :)
Thankful with questions

Thank you, Michael, for this guide. I am a diehard Eudora user and this will certainly be worth it if I can keep doing so. I will be making the ML leap shortly.

I see that one cannot make the .dmg file from within ML, so the advice is to make it on an SL machine. Can I do so from my current SL machine (before updating it to ML) as long as I install Parallels 7 first? Will I have to re-install Parallels once the update to ML is done?

Thanks for clarification.
looks like you're using cli string

touch '/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'

for just creating ServerVersion.plist dummy file in appropriate place. At least it behaves so on non-server system. Suddenly from some time (at least in 10.8.2 I checked it) usual administrative user have not enough rights for write access to Sys/Lib/whatewer. So for this step to work:
5. Launch Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/); cut and paste or carefully type the following command into Terminal and then hit Return/Enter:
touch '/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'
you most probably should do like this (at least it worked for me):

5. Launch Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/); cut and paste or carefully type the following command into Terminal and then hit Return/Enter, enter administrative password as asked:
sudo su

5.1 cut and paste or carefully type the following command into Terminal and then hit Return/Entertouch
'/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'

I'm a bit lost at steps 10-11 of instruction - didn't get is it in real or virtual system terminal, looks like in virtual. But if in real - there should be same problem with privileges - and same solution.

Hope this helps
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Thank you, Michael, for this guide. I am a diehard Eudora user and this will certainly be worth it if I can keep doing so. I will be making the ML leap shortly.

I see that one cannot make the .dmg file from within ML, so the advice is to make it on an SL machine. Can I do so from my current SL machine (before updating it to ML) as long as I install Parallels 7 first? Will I have to re-install Parallels once the update to ML is done?

Thanks for clarification.

1. YES: While in Snow Leopard. Update Parallels 7. And I recommend that you go ahead and complete ALL of the STEPS to obtain a Snow Leopard environment in Parallels 7 while in SL and confirm that it works. Then after you upgrade to Mt. Lion: it should just continue to work fine!

2. You will NOT have to reinstall anything once you upgrade to Mt. Lion.

You might want to consider the upgrade to Parallels 8; while it is not essential, it apparently gives you the ability to cut & paste across the Mt. Lion and Snow Leopard environments, which is not available in Parallels 7.

Did you see the earlier post from MWalsh indicating a bug in Eudora; with his mouse pointer disappearing?

Let me know your progress and GOOD LUCK!
Combo Updates?

I managed to get to:

2. Preparation for updating Snow Leopard

I am using Mountain Lion 10.8.2 + supplemental update and Parallels Desktop 8 For Mac, build 8.0.18101 on a MacBook Pro 8,2 with 16GB Ram

Could I just run a combo updater to get to 10.6.8 or should I attempt the preparation steps.?

I am a bit apprehensive that they might fail with this newer software I use. There may be others who tried this but I could not find posts describing it.
looks like you're using cli string

touch '/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'

for just creating ServerVersion.plist dummy file in appropriate place. At least it behaves so on non-server system. Suddenly from some time (at least in 10.8.2 I checked it) usual administrative user have not enough rights for write access to Sys/Lib/whatewer. So for this step to work:

you most probably should do like this (at least it worked for me):

5. Launch Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/); cut and paste or carefully type the following command into Terminal and then hit Return/Enter, enter administrative password as asked:
sudo su

5.1 cut and paste or carefully type the following command into Terminal and then hit Return/Entertouch
'/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'

I'm a bit lost at steps 10-11 of instruction - didn't get is it in real or virtual system terminal, looks like in virtual. But if in real - there should be same problem with privileges - and same solution.

Hope this helps

Since I do not yet have Mt. Lion; I asked another programmer who has been following this thread to try out your instructions; here is his response:

I tried this on 10.8.2, as best I could follow it. No joy. Here's the log:

XxxxXxxxxxxxxx-iMac:~ xxxxxxxx$ sudo su
sh-3.2# touch '/Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist'
touch: /Volumes/Mac OS X Install DVD/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist: Read-only file system

He just added the step of entering the shell first. No real difference that I can see.

I'd suggest you ask him for more information.
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I managed to get to:

2. Preparation for updating Snow Leopard

I am using Mountain Lion 10.8.2 + supplemental update and Parallels Desktop 8 For Mac, build 8.0.18101 on a MacBook Pro 8,2 with 16GB Ram

Could I just run a combo updater to get to 10.6.8 or should I attempt the preparation steps.?

I am a bit apprehensive that they might fail with this newer software I use. There may be others who tried this but I could not find posts describing it.

If you can complete STEP ONE on a Snow Leopard or Lion Mac and then move the .cdr image file over to your Mt. Lion Mac, you should be able to install Snow Leopard fine and then use Software Update to update your version of Snow Leopard to 10.6.8. Attempting to use Combo Updater separately within Parallels has not been successful.
Read-only file system

Looks like there are two levels of problem.
see, this is info on image, created under ML as you told in 1-st step:
Disk Write Status : Not mounted, Read-only

It creates now read-only image that can't be modded. I thought that this part is obvios and not a problem. Image should be converted to RW before modding.

When image is writable you still can meet a problem with access to system where you want - this part I wrote about.

edit - probably image inherits RO status from DVD it made from because I just tested and had no problems with write on test image...

edit 2 - I'd like to clarify this: by default DiskUtility creates now 'compressed' image format, which is read-only. CD master and r-w are both perfectly writable and have no problems with touch. Can that another programmer check - may be he accidentally created 'compressed' image?
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Here is his response:

I tried every "writeable" format, but none of them worked. I think the issue isn't the dmg creation though. A dmg that is writeable in SL is not in ML. I think the issue is the system component that mounts dmgs. It seems to recognize installer images and makes then read-only. Sounds like a security measure, to prevent a local infection from spreading through installer dmg. Since everything is "soft" now, this becomes a bigger issue than when CD/DVDs were used.

This guy appears to be talking from experience with prior systems, not from experience with ML. He's saying what I would have expected to be the case, but found out from testing it's not.
Here is his response:'This guy appears to be talking from experience with prior systems,'
I'm a beta tester so I'm on 10.8.2 since first beta. Tested on stock 10.8.2, all work fine. Compressed is RO, CDR and RW are both RW. Will recheck tomorrow on other mac with 10.8.2, tell about results, show logs
can confirm for in some (unclear) situation DiscUtility creates read-only image don't matter what was set under 10.8.2. Working to figure out solution.
If you can complete STEP ONE on a Snow Leopard or Lion Mac and then move the .cdr image file over to your Mt. Lion Mac, you should be able to install Snow Leopard fine and then use Software Update to update your version of Snow Leopard to 10.6.8. Attempting to use Combo Updater separately within Parallels has not been successful.

Yes, I got to 2. Preparation for updating Snow Leopard and all is well. Do I need to do step 2? I am afraid it might fail with my version of I am using Mountain Lion 10.8.2 + supplemental update and Parallels Desktop 8 For Mac, build 8.0.18101 on a MacBook Pro 8,2 with 16GB Ram

Should I try nevertheless? Anyone tried this already?
YES: continue with the remaining steps. Others have reported success in Mountain Lion and Parallels 8!

What programs will you run in Rosetta?
...if you have ever needed to make a readonly mac .dmg file writable....
didn't check myself for now, have a lot of work


It's working from the wrong end. We had a known writable image, yet on ML it isn't. It's the mounting process, not the image that needs to change.
YES: continue with the remaining steps. Others have reported success in Mountain Lion and Parallels 8!

What programs will you run in Rosetta?

I want to chime in with my thanks, Michael, for this most helpful guide.

I stumbled briefly on the read-only file system error -- but following along with the discussion, I copied the image over to my laptop running Lion, touched the plist file, copied the image file back, and the rest of it went swimmingly.

FTR, I installed vSL on a Mac Pro running Mountain Lion and Parallels 8. I can verify that the copy-and-paste problem is fixed in Parallels 8.

Since you seem interested in why people want to run Snow Leopard, I need it primarily to access my old Retrospect v6 backup CDs & DVDs, which date back to 2002 or thereabouts. Retro6 won't run under Lion or Mtn. Lion (no Rosetta). And, very annoyingly, Retro8 can't read the old Retro6 catalogs. Retro8 can rebuild the catalogs -- but that would mean spending days (or probably weeks) hand-feeding literally hundreds of CDs and DVDs to the machine to have it rebuild all those catalogs.

Unfortunately, although I got vSL installed and running, Retrospect 6 won't recognize the optical drive in my Mac Pro. I can pop a CD or DVD in there and have it recognized in vSL -- but Retrospect has always been weird about optical drives, and it just won't see this one.

So, with your help, I do have a working virtual Snow Leopard installation. But I still don't have any good way to gain access to old files in my Retrospect archives. :(
I have Retrospect v6.1.126; although I have not used it in years.

Maybe you could use Disk Utility to make an image of one of your less-sensitive CD backups and I could try it out for you.

Have you checked with Retrospect technical support about the issue?
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