Maybe you could use Disk Utility to make an image of one of your less-sensitive CD backups and I could try it out for you.
Wow, thanks for the offer.... but it really wouldn't help, because the problem is that the SuperDrive in my Mac is not a "supported device" under Retro6. Your drive might be supported, but that wouldn't help me any, because mine's not.
Have you checked with Retrospect technical support about the issue?
I haven't personally done that, no, but there are many threads on this topic in Retrospect's forums. The recommended solution is always to "get a supported device." Device support is specific to each device based on manufacturer, model, interface, media type and platform. If Retrospect doesn't provide support (in the form of a device-specific driver) for a given device, then you're SOL and your only option is to "get a supported device."
I think that the SuperDrive in my old Mac Pro was working under Retro6. I don't want to keep that Mac around -- I'd rather sell it -- but I think I'll try hooking the SuperDrive from that one up to my current machine to see if Retro can use that one.
OTOH, under Retro8 my SuperDrive is supported, and if a device existed that I could load up with about 800 old backup CDs and DVDs, that would feed the discs one at a time into the drive, then I could use Retro8 to rebuild the catalogs from those disks, and I wouldn't have to fool with Retro6 or Snow Leopard at all. But I am not doing that by hand!