Eudora still working?
Eudora Application files in the ML environment...seems to have worked.
Wondering if Eudoras still working for you with (I presume) all Eudora folders, data stored in ML environment. (Presuming Eudora Application files refers to Eudora Folder where all mail data resides, since Eudora app wont run in VM if stored on host.)
I just tried having Eudora Folder in Lion environ, outside VM as recommended, but crucial resource forks soon got separated from their files, preventing Eudora from reading or working further with any of the data.
If youre still succeeding with Eudora, would love to know details of your setup.
SL VM did fine for weeks with Eudora Folder stored on its virtual hdd, but then the VM got corrupted and I couldnt repair, so learned hard way not to store data inside VM.
Also found Lion Finder chews resource forks, so cant use it to copy Eudora files. Copying between shared Lion folders from within SL VM preserves the forks at least some of the time.
Was using Parallels Sharing but it apparently cant handle large amounts of data at once, especially unable to deal with thousands of items in Eudora folders. (I have well over decade of data.)
But now using OSX File Sharing,* resource forks again got disconnected from corresponding files, so Eudora cant load its Folder.
*supersonic compared to Parallels FS
Hoping youve got it all figured out!
Thinking I may have to go back to storing Eudora Folder inside VM but with frequent backups (hourly or more). But Im unwilling to trust Lion Finder, so would need to back up to a separate disk from my Time Machine disk, but have no free USB port.
So bad the cloud(s) suffocated Qualcomms incomparable app!