Hello, besides SL Server and Clienr, what other OS X versions can be emulated in Virtualbox, Parralells or VMWare Fusion ?
Strictly speaking it is not emulation. But in partial answer to your question:
VMWare Fusion 11.5 (current version) supports:
OS X Server 10.5 and 10.6
OS X/macOS 10.7 to 10.15
Fusion has never supported OS X Server 10.4 or earlier.
As you are aware from this thread the OS X (not server) 10.6 can be made to run under Parallels and Fusion, but this is not supported for Apple licensing reasons.
You can find recipes online for making OS X 10.4 and 10.5 work with Fusion - similar steps to those in this thread for 10.6.
I can't find Parallels list of supported client versions or what can be made to run.
OS X and macOS have always been somewhat difficult (and very slow) under VirtualBox, but my understanding is that at least some versions of VB don't protect you from breaking Apples EULA.
Older versions of OS X (pre 10.4) did not run on Intel hardware and so can't be made to run under VB, Parallels or Fusion. If it were possible it would require the PowerPC instruction set to be emulated on Intel hardware.
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