I was wondering what people think about Internet Piracy and illegal downloads (movies,tv shows,music etc)
Seems like theres is a hell of a lot of people doing this nowaday.
Can it be stopped?,should fines be enforced?
Believe me... Hollywood is trying this like crazy... like a sore thumb, they just won't agree and move on.
My view is neither, here, nor there..... but piracy will NEVER be enforced, i'm confident of that 100% as its gone for too long. ISP's have been attempted to have done DNS blocking, and an Australia ISP (iInet) is back in the High Cort over this same thing.
However, just like i pointed oiut in the Zdnet, the RIAA has tried to do this exact same in music... But it didn't help... Rather than try and prevent something, thats out of control, why not just go along with it, and charge a small free for track downloads (And this is exactly what was done).
See where i'm heading here? Its all for the money.. Hiollywood may even start linking to legal payed sites like the RIAA do with music, but if they are gonna charge a bomb for each movie. ($5 or so discount for online purchase/streaming/downlaod), its clear people will turn elsewhere, and that means free (piracy).
Do what Apple itunes does.. $2 for SD movies, $4 for HD/Blue-ray
Its not as much Hollywood want to rake in, but at least their'll get something, than nothing.
Theres a price for everything, and if they its too much, its just like the real word, people will buy elsewhere, (or in this case go down the 'free' route, even if it means slightly degrading quality)
As for DNS blocking. this is a joke, coz there are more than enough DNS servers anyone can use. some are free, so thats an option right there, and poxies. *shrugs*