I have been stuck in preparing update for 2 hours. I have restarted many times and reinstalled the beta profile, but still stuck at preparing update. Any ideas?
I have been stuck in preparing update for 2 hours. I have restarted many times and reinstalled the beta profile, but still stuck at preparing update. Any ideas?
I have been stuck in preparing update for 2 hours. I have restarted many times and reinstalled the beta profile, but still stuck at preparing update. Any ideas?
Seems Auto-Brightness is in two locations in accessibility.
Magnifier and Display Accommodations.
Might go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage .... and see if you can deleting the update file and redownload it. Other than that, no idea.
Maybe it's your phone, no lag hereI’m going back to 10.3.3. Home button lag is annoying.
Maybe it's your phone, no lag here
Is that delay not there to give you a chance to double tap into multitasking?Still a slight delay when minimizing an app using the home button, wish they'd get that ironed out already.
Is that delay not there to give you a chance to double tap into multitasking?
SOLVED: 3D Touching Control Center crashes Springboard. To fix, turn off "Speak Screen" under Accessibility>Speech. Restart phone for the setting to go into effect.
It's unbelievable, but this one option has caused various problems going back to iOS10. In iOS10, if Speak Screen was ON, it would cause only the most recent 20 or so notifications to show up in the Notification Center; then the NC would scroll endlessly but all you'd see would be a blank screen. Try it, just don't forget to restart before the thing goes into effect.
In iOS 11 beta4 it would cause the AppSwitcher to jump to the left on opening. In iOS 11 beta 5 it was finally fixed--I reported it numerous times before. In beta 6 it causes the crash of springboard on 3D touch of CC buttons.
If you long press the files app in the dock on iPad you now get a pop up like you do with 3D Touch. Is this new? 10.5.
I’ll have to try it on my iPad Pro, I got 9450 on beta 5Geekbench improvement!
The home button lag is a thing on the 7/7+, it’s been a thing since B1.
Anyone has an Apple Watch ? How’s the new beta ? I hesitate to update because we can’t revert to the actual firmware
It’s good, fast and high frame rates.
I hate the fact that iOS 11 changed the behavior on how to see notifications on lock screen. On iOS 10, you swipe from top edge down (consistent with home screen behavior). But on iOS 11, you have to swipe up (inconsistent with home screen behavior).