While iOS 12 most definitely isn't junk, it does not warrant the number 12 either.
It's more like iOS 11.5. More refinements, optimizations, and some small features added.
A true iOS 12 needs to have something major added into it.
Now, if Apple is planning major versions every year regardless of features being added or not, then that makes iOS even more unreliable because it's completely unpredictable what will come out or whether there is even any hint of guarantee for the things that come out to be "stable" and "reliable."
iOS 12 sets a dangerous precedence.
Imagine iOS 13 introducing a new ground-breaking UI/UX in 2020, then iOS 14 and iOS 15 are bug fixes and performance improvements for that UI. Not so pretty, is it?
It's more like iOS 11.5. More refinements, optimizations, and some small features added.
A true iOS 12 needs to have something major added into it.
Now, if Apple is planning major versions every year regardless of features being added or not, then that makes iOS even more unreliable because it's completely unpredictable what will come out or whether there is even any hint of guarantee for the things that come out to be "stable" and "reliable."
iOS 12 sets a dangerous precedence.
Imagine iOS 13 introducing a new ground-breaking UI/UX in 2020, then iOS 14 and iOS 15 are bug fixes and performance improvements for that UI. Not so pretty, is it?