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macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
Finally what? These are just rumors

Mhm. And stuff from Ming Chi Kuo is also “rumors”, too, right?

Until Apple ships something, it’s all unsubstantiated. But some prognosticators seem to be better at “guessing” than others. Mark Gurman falls in that category.


macrumors newbie
May 2, 2009
iOS 12 finally brought grouped notifications back so that was nice.

- change default apps (maps for example)
- Messages hub (1 app for you to respond to all your messaging platforms: iMessage, text, fb messenger, whatsapp and whatever else is out there these days, rather than going into each app to respond to messages)
- dark mode option
- change the damn volume HUD :mad:

what else do you guys wanna see?

I have been dreaming with the "Messages hub" for ages... I guess the problem is that most of the apps (fb, whatsapp, etc.) won't allow for that to happen. It's so obvious, BlackBerry used to have that and it was, in my opinion, one of the reasons for its success.

I would love to see it happen.
[doublepost=1548966481][/doublepost]More strict privacy tools. Ability to restrict apps from getting any info whatsoever from your device. I hate the fact that Instagram / Whatsapp / Facebook somehow "know" that you have the other apps on your phone and share information.

Example: I set up a new instagram account, with new email, phone number, etc. (new everything), all from a private browsing session (different IP address, etc.). Then install the Instagram app from scratch and logged in to that new account on my iPhone (where I also have facebook, whatsapp, etc.), but give no access to contacts, nothing... BOOM, "magically", "somehow", instagram is suggesting me friends from my whatsapp contacts, etc. on my new account. That sucks.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
Not saying that Apple can't do something about app information sharing but it is really the other apps fault - they give your information to Facebook whether you actually run Facebook or not. This happens on IOS and on other operating systems.


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
Top of my list is per-app volume settings/muting. Really tired of having to constantly crank the volume for the apps I want to hear and crank it back down to stop Words with Friends from blasting me with some ad or playing unnecessary sound effects. And the OS needs to strictly enforce muting. I'm amazed at how often an app puts up an ad at full volume despite the fact that I've muted the phone.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2011
I would actually be okay with removing Siri, as it still works the same as it did on the iPhone 4S running iOS 5. Its a joke and anyone who relies on it has no creditability in my book.
I know I am late to replying to this one, but I couldn’t help my self. I use Siri on the daily. Yes...Siri could be a lot smarter...and I wish it was...but Siri is useful for getting directions, sending text messages and calling people and setting reminders and calendar events. Other then that, I don’t really have a use for Siri. But I definitely use Siri on the daily. I do however have a huge list of things I wish Siri could do.
[doublepost=1549007445][/doublepost]The only thing I really want...A much better Siri...

I love how awesome it is that you can get Siri to run shortcuts and things like is so...not what I expected. For example...if I say, “Hey Siri, I’m on my way home” I want Siri to respond with, “Drive safe” or something like that instead of, “Running your short cut...” “Done!”

Now, when Siri runs your shortcut, it usually has to open the Shortcuts app and you have to tap a few things in order for it to go through. However, I would like it if it could just all happen without me having to do anything and without having to launch the shortcuts app. When I say, “Hey Siri, I’m on my way home” I want it to, Text my girlfriend, start my “car playlist” and then get me directions home. Of course, it would have too jump into the maps app to show the navigation, but the texting portion shouldn’t have to open the shortcuts app to take place.

I hope that all makes sense. I have been so annoyed with the shortcuts app...I don’t even use it to be honest except for that one simple command. But hey, at least Siri can turn on the flashlight now...#iOS12...Haha!!!!
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macrumors member
Mar 7, 2018
Sorry if this has been discussed already.

I’d like to see the ability to have do not disturb send an automatic response to those that text you while you have it on to let them know you’re not available, it could be a toggle. This currently works with Do Not Disturb while DRIVING, so I don’t see why it couldn’t work.

They also need to fix DNDwD so it works within group texts.

And as many have said already, get rid of that damn volume adjustment screen, there’s no need for it.

OH and give us the ability to completely turn OFF WiFi and Bluetooth from the control center. I never understood why it was taken away.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2012
In November Apple released one of the most powerful tablets (if not the most powerful) ever in the form of the new iPad Pro... and yet all of that power greatly goes to waste due to the OS. Most of the reviews of the iPad Pro all say the same thing. The hardware is fantastic but the OS holds it back.

If you want to sell a device as a "Pro" device and sell it at "Pro" prices then you need a "Pro" OS. In my opinion, this is where Apple should put in more effort for iOS 13. The iPad should run a more powerful version of iOS that takes more advantage of the larger screen rather than just being an oversized iPhone. Lets make the home screen more usable on the iPad rather than just a sea of app icons...

From there, let's take things a step further for iPad Pro owners. Here's a few "Pro" features that would be a nice perk for people who spent the extra money on the Pro models:

1. Built in functionality to use the iPad as a second monitor for your Mac. Make it work both wirelessly and wired.

2. Built in functionality to mirror Mac screen and use iPad and Apple Pencil in the same way as a Wacom tablet. This feature alone would make the iPad Pro much more usable for "Pro" task. Sure Astropad can already do this but shouldn't a feature like this be built in.... especially for a device marketed at Pro's???

3. Expand the features of the Files app to give the iPad a true "Finder" like experience. Also allow the ability to connect an external hard drive via the USB-C port
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macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
How about this as a feature- when you’re scrolling on a webpage or a long list of things, you can grab the scroll bar on the side to scrub through the page more quickly. I know it’s a minor and simple feature, but it would be handy. You can do it on the Mac, so why not iOS?


macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
I know I am late to replying to this one, but I couldn’t help my self. I use Siri on the daily. Yes...Siri could be a lot smarter...and I wish it was...but Siri is useful for getting directions, sending text messages and calling people and setting reminders and calendar events. Other then that, I don’t really have a use for Siri. But I definitely use Siri on the daily. I do however have a huge list of things I wish Siri could do.
[doublepost=1549007445][/doublepost]The only thing I really want...A much better Siri...

I love how awesome it is that you can get Siri to run shortcuts and things like is so...not what I expected. For example...if I say, “Hey Siri, I’m on my way home” I want Siri to respond with, “Drive safe” or something like that instead of, “Running your short cut...” “Done!”

Now, when Siri runs your shortcut, it usually has to open the Shortcuts app and you have to tap a few things in order for it to go through. However, I would like it if it could just all happen without me having to do anything and without having to launch the shortcuts app. When I say, “Hey Siri, I’m on my way home” I want it to, Text my girlfriend, start my “car playlist” and then get me directions home. Of course, it would have too jump into the maps app to show the navigation, but the texting portion shouldn’t have to open the shortcuts app to take place.

I hope that all makes sense. I have been so annoyed with the shortcuts app...I don’t even use it to be honest except for that one simple command. But hey, at least Siri can turn on the flashlight now...#iOS12...Haha!!!!

Just deselect “Show when run” for the text and it won’t open.


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2010
I would love to see a universal My Devices app to change settings and manage your Macs and iOS devices similar to Home. And of course Siri Shortcuts for it all.


macrumors 603
Aug 19, 2017
Handwriting-to-text conversion as an optional keyboard. Similar to MyScript's Stylus keyboard only more reliable and better. It was a great product that MyScript stopped updating and pulled.
This would be good, the functionality already appears in the notes app (you can search through your handwritten notes and the note title will be what you’ve written) so I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch to roll it into the KB


macrumors newbie
Feb 4, 2019
I'm tellin ya. This is the last chance for apple to take back its crown.
At 2019. Android Phones push way more from Apple.

Just Look at the Google Photos, Google Drive.
Look at Facial Recognation of photos, look at group photos on Google Photos. It's just amazing.

Look at how snappy and beatiful huawei devices are.

At 2012, Apple was the King of Phones. They need to take things seriously now (2019)
They are falling down on 2019, getting back on 2019. They need to do something asap.

and we're using ios 7 home screen from 2013. 6 Years. God...

- Do something similiar to windows phone live tiles (make some adjustments from it)


- Redesign and rewrite Photos.
- Redesign iCloud.
- Redesign Music App. It's outdated.
- Upgrade 5gb Free iCloud to 25 gb.

- Make the damn OS more snappy. Do you guys use android flagships? Do you see how snappy they are?
iOS is way way more sluggish and slow. Yes it's fluid but it's slow. Make it snappy.

- Give us some nice new default wallpapers. I miss how apple does some nice default wallpapers.

- Give us some nice new default Ringtones.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 26, 2012
in-text citations!

This is a big productivity one. I am an academic and I write papers. I have to quote other people, to do that I use third party citation mangers like Endnote. I currently have over 1,700 references in my library. The workflow on a computer is I stop writing my paragraph in Word, switch to my manger, select a citation, then click import and the citation appears back in word (TheFluffyDuck, 2019). Currently you cant do that in iOS, which hampers what I can do with my iPad Pro. That needs to change.

Because it is a developer writing a plugin for a different third party app, I am pretty sure this breaks the sandboxing in iOS? Is that about the crux of it?
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I'm tellin ya. This is the last chance for apple to take back its crown.
At 2019. Android Phones push way more from Apple.

Just Look at the Google Photos, Google Drive.
Look at Facial Recognation of photos, look at group photos on Google Photos. It's just amazing.

Look at how snappy and beatiful huawei devices are.

At 2012, Apple was the King of Phones. They need to take things seriously now (2019)
They are falling down on 2019, getting back on 2019. They need to do something asap.

and we're using ios 7 home screen from 2013. 6 Years. God...

- Do something similiar to windows phone live tiles (make some adjustments from it)


- Redesign and rewrite Photos.
- Redesign iCloud.
- Redesign Music App. It's outdated.
- Upgrade 5gb Free iCloud to 25 gb.

- Make the damn OS more snappy. Do you guys use android flagships? Do you see how snappy they are?
iOS is way way more sluggish and slow. Yes it's fluid but it's slow. Make it snappy.

- Give us some nice new default wallpapers. I miss how apple does some nice default wallpapers.

- Give us some nice new default Ringtones.
The keyboard layout is from decades and decades ago. How could we be using such outdated things that aren't even from this century?!
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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
my only wish for iphone x1 are 3 cameras and this time with wide angle and 120hz screen like the new ipads.if this doesnt come im gonna stick with my max.
Doesn't quite seem like iOS 13 would really have much to do with it.


macrumors newbie
Feb 4, 2019
The keyboard layout is from decades and decades ago. How could we be using such outdated things that aren't even from this century?!

I was shocked when they didn’t change anything on ios 12. I thought it was suicide.

I just cant believe how they think they gonna continue with this outdated “everything”

Keyboard layout, homescreen, lock screen, apple music, photos, icloud, files, messages, even the god damn calender is outdated.
We’re looking same weather app since 2013, my god.

We’re still using what we saw on 2013 ios 7.
6 years and they are still polishing. Not changing anything.

This is it.
I’m not buying any apple product if they still continue this layout on ios 13.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I was shocked when they didn’t change anything on ios 12. I thought it was suicide.

I just cant believe how they think they gonna continue with this outdated “everything”

Keyboard layout, homescreen, lock screen, apple music, photos, icloud, files, messages, even the god damn calender is outdated.
We’re looking same weather app since 2013, my god.

We’re still using what we saw on 2013 ios 7.
6 years and they are still polishing. Not changing anything.

This is it.
I’m not buying any apple product if they still continue this layout on ios 13.
They really need to rearrange those keyboard keys, it's been far too long and overdue. How long can you keen on seeing the same keys in the same places?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2012
I was shocked when they didn’t change anything on ios 12. I thought it was suicide.

I just cant believe how they think they gonna continue with this outdated “everything”

Keyboard layout, homescreen, lock screen, apple music, photos, icloud, files, messages, even the god damn calender is outdated.
We’re looking same weather app since 2013, my god.

We’re still using what we saw on 2013 ios 7.
6 years and they are still polishing. Not changing anything.

This is it.
I’m not buying any apple product if they still continue this layout on ios 13.
whats wrong with messages and weather app? you literally find every apple app bad even if it isn`t. you have the app store to find a new calendar app, this is why the app store exists


macrumors 68000
Mar 16, 2011
"- Do something similiar to windows phone live tiles (make some adjustments from it)"

Please no tiles. That is hard to find stuff and weird. It just doesn't work for me at all. Big turn off.
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