Usually the 1st Public Beta for a new release would go off the 2nd Dev Beta, and usually later that day or the next day after Dev Beta 2 is released. I would assume Public Beta would be on July 7th after a Dev Beta 2 release probably that same day...
Buuuut, this is all for the speculation thread.
tl;dr Enjoy another week on your mostly bug free 1st Dev Beta and look forward to more good things. IMO
I've always wished they'd incorporate the entirety of the Feedback App into the official Apple Support app.
Need help? Get the support you need for the Apple products you love—all in one place. Apple Support gives you personalized access to solutions for all of your Apple products and services. Learn how to manage your subscriptions, reset your Apple Account password, and more. Talk with a real...
This is the plan I'm sticking to now, too. Although, in the past it seemed you could only add any on device log files like a sysdiagnose file when submitting feedback initially. Now it looks like that option is there all the time, even for old feedback I've filed pre-iOS 14. I'm sticking with the squeaky wheel theory lol