This will be more of a general post - IPP 11 G2.
Spent the day listening to music (YouTube Music), playing a game (Heckfire), and watching Video (Youtube and Prime Video).
First a note on video ...
At times the video would stutter, become choppy. The quality didn’t change, just the frame rate. It would last for at most a few seconds. This was observed in the game, the video in Youtube Music and the video apps.
Next on to sound ...
This was strictly on YouTube Music ... when I had the display off, the music would drop a level in volume and then pick back up after a minute of two. Using AirPods Pro.
Lastly Siri ...
I would be listening and watching and suddenly the littel Siri swirly is on screen. Didn’t hear Siri in ear but it would stay for a few seconds then vanish. No clue as to cause.
Once I figure out how to word these I will submit feedback.