I wanted to give it a few days to make sure, but a few of my reported issues seem to have been resolved in this beta. I closed 5-6 radars last night lol..
1) Maps App: If you’re like me and you go into settings, i in the top right, and change the view from “Maps” to Satellite“ each time you use the app, rejoice? I keep reporting that as a new issue for each beta, and so far each time I’ve opened the app regardless of whether I’ve not had the app open for a day and have done a few reboots, it stays on Satellite view whenever I open it now.
2) Battery Life on both my iPhone 11 Por Max, iPad Pro 2018 11in, and S4 Apple Watch have been amazing. This is always going to be one of those YMMV things, but still. It’s been great for me.
3) I’m able to easily do all of my iMazing backups at home now across all of our iDevices. The last two betas have been iffy per backup, and now everything’s been working like it should. That was also partially due to an iMazing update that came out to address it... Not related to iOS specifically, but still something to cross off my list. I can’t be the only one to use iMazing, can I?
4) “Settings/General/Storage/Other” has been at zero on my iPad, but on my iPhone fluctuating way more than I‘ve seen before.. Going from like 36GB up to 48GB and then back down to 31GB, etc.. Not all sporadic and fast like, just every maybe 30-60 secs it changes.. Weird.. Something else I’m pretty sure won’t be an issue after I do a clean setup when iOS 14 is official.
5) The Music App is finally usable to me.. I’ve had some gripes about their new view where you have to press the little icon in the bottom of the player view in iOS 13 to get to what’s Up Next. And even then, scrolling thru that section wasn’t very intuitive. It’d be really easy to scroll past whatever was currently playing and get to a point in your list where you get lost.. I play a lot of music and it was always messy for me. So now on both my iPhone and iPad, when you scroll hard/fast to that currently playing track, it slows to a stop like closing a nice kitchen drawer without the slam.. Good stuff. Also a little haptic feedback. And also also adding the infinity style playing.. Not being worried about accidentally clearing my play history.. etc..
Anyway, all good stuff for me. Hopefully everyone else’s issues are addressed Soon, too...