HomePods have been especially buggy as of late on this supposed “final” release. Long playback gap between songs on OG HomePod but plays normally when linked to the bedroom mini (wtf?). Playback will often cut off within the first minute of a track and refuse to play correctly even after restarting the song. Also ‘sound check’ for both HomePods takes a re-toggle or two to activate/deactivate in the Home app and neither speaker is sounding quite as loud or as dynamic as in prior versions. Frustrating.Anyone else with Apple Music notice that if you ask the HomePod who the artist is, the first time it answers (per song) it will say the artist is the previous song that played and you have to ask again to get the correct one? This happens on all of my HomePods.
And yet another bug introduced in the latest crapfest 15.4 release.
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