So being a Thursday, it seems to be a good time for 18.0.1. Thursdays are typically a normal release day. I am suspecting it may come today. But with all the other "issues" of recent perhaps its all on hold for now until they get some things sorted.
Guys today is the day, iOS 18.0.1 is coming
I don’t think we see anything today…
Today is the last chance for 18.0.1 imo. Otherwise we look to 18.1. But what do I know. I guess 18.0.1 could still drop next week. None of this makes sense.
I hope they won't rush out 18.1 and take one more week to optimize the update. Week of 20th October would be nice instead of the rumored date of 14th October.Why the last chance? There could still be another beta(s) of 18.1, so Apple could push 18.0.1 out any time between now and 18.1 public release around the 20th of October.
You're lucky. I'm regularly (daily) getting resprings on my 15PM. Other than that, it's working well for me, too. But still ... fingers crossed. 🤞Would guess 18.0.1 today.
Would hope for 18.1 db6/pb3 - the current 18.1 beta works flawless for me on my 15 Pro.
Could be many normal reasons. Thursday is the last day usually for more seeds. Another couple of hours and we’ll see if we get lucky. As mentioned previously 18.1 beta cycle doesn’t match anything before. Its not predictable as many expect.At this point we are beyond speculating (as we usually mean here). I’m just going to wait and see what happens. We literally have no idea whether this is a planned pause or in response to one or more issues.
Haven't seen it either! Thank God - hoping to never see it again...And as afraid as I’m always be with this topic, after carrying this issue through the whole iOS 17 phase… haven’t seen the squared notifications so far with 18.1 pb2
18.0.1 is 100% coming today.
Source: I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
You're in touch with Tim and you have his phone, bro!! You do know!!iOS 19 dev beta 1 next Tuesday?