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I don't like that dock. It seems like a bunch of wasted space to me. I wouldn't mind being able to have stationary widgets and to be able to set icons wherever you want on the screen (within a grid). Then again, intelliscreen X is pretty solid, if I could only add a few more widgets to it. I would also improve folders (allow specific icons to be set for folders) as well as make them hide-able. There is no logical reason to force every single stinking application to be somewhere on your springboard. IMO that was lame even on iOS 1.0
It makes me sick to my stomach saying this, but I think Microsoft did it perfectly: combining icons, widgets, and folders. I think some apps, such as weather, calendar, clock, etc, that have info to show on the home screen, should have a toggle between icon and widget. They should be 1x1 (calendar, like it does now with icon date), 2x2 (clock, look similar to Dashboard clock), 4x1 (weather, like it is in Notification Center), etc. I also think when you go to "jiggle mode", there should be an "x" like now, which deletes, and a "–", which removes from home. Then, there should be a "Launchpad" button, which shows a scrollable list of all apps, like many Dreamboard themes have. I think this is very user-friendly, and generally seems "appleish". Anyway, good luck with the tweak!
This just seems like a step backwards and more complicating than the OS already is. Cool looking but Apple would never do this.
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Wow- reading the beginning of this thread- what a bunch of jerks! i think its nice, I would buy this in cydia- it would help me organize my home screen a bit!
The main thing I like about that concept is the use of an actual APP to contain all notifications. I think that would be nice- you could open it and clear notifications o jump tO apps like in the concept.
Good idea but i like the fact i only need 1 tap to launch a program... and possibly a swipe. With launchpad its 1 tap to open and another tap to launch.

So let me get this straight... You want an iOS feature that emulates an OSX feature that emulates an iOS feature.

That emulates an Android feature...

Android has had widgets on its homescreen since day 1. You can also have them on the lockscreen - something I've been wishing for on iOS for so long now.

It'll happen, then a bunch of idiots will claim Android ripped it from the Mac or something silly like that.

So I have been thinking of how we could improve on the iOS homescreen. A grid of icons get's very boring, so I'd like to introduce you to my concept of iOS 6. (And soon to be a Cydia tweak, hopefully!) It has some radical new changes you will love.

This is not the final version, but a demo idea. As I tweak and perfect the idea so I can turn it into a real cydia tweak I'll create much larger scale images with more clarity/graphical improvement.

The Concept


So this here would be a "typical" homescreen. A widget, icons able to be arranged in any order/placement you'd like. Notice the 2nd icon on the dock?

This, is launchpad. Now, we've seen launchpad before on OS X. Tapping launchpad opens this screen:


Ah, the grid of icons. It's not truely gone, but it's now away from our homescreens and only one tap away. The background is blurred (probably darkened or something as well) and getting back to our homescreen is only a tap of the home button (or launchpad icon) away. This screen can be customizable, have folders, etc. Just like your home screen. Can hold 4 rows of icons, and swipe-able to the next page(s)! It contains all of your apps.

Of course I also want to take my hammer at redoing the notification center sans linen and widgets.

What do you all think?

Ok, first off widget like in notification center would CONSTANTLY use cpu and network activity. and Launchpad is Springboard for Mac OS. it'd be redundent (Altho I love the icon)
I thought of that, it was one of the first designs I mocked up. The issue with that is there wasn't a good way to implement it without removing homescreens for people to use.

For example, I think it would look ugly if all your apps were still stuck on the Springboard and the only way to "hide" them would be a folder. This way your apps aren't anywhere but launchpad, and shortcuts can be used to these apps via Springboard.

They wouldn't be permanent. The only thing that would be permanent would be the Launchpad icon in the dock. (It can be moved into any of the 4 spots, but not off the dock itself.) That was just my graphical lazyness that you see.

How about a swipe at the bottom of the screen like how one would swipe at the top of the screen for SBSettings on a jailbroken phone? Nice concept btw, I do quite like it.
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