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My Air 2 isn't doing this.
The only issues I have had on the Air 2 is a weird keyboard animation when rotating 180 degrees on spotlight. Also on the news section at the left, if I click "show more", I can't scroll down. I hope those annoying issues get fixed with this update.
It just works for me, TMo user here.
I do notice when scrolling through spotlight search, it's smoother than in version 9.0.
I've not noticed any difference on my iPhone 6 since updating.

Has anyone else noticed a bug in the App Store where if you go to the Top Charts page and there's an app you own but haven't got installed (so you see the cloud icon) in the top few, there's much more padding around it for a split second and then it shrinks back down? This has been the case since iOS 8 (or even 7). It's obviously not a big deal but it's annoying when these little things never get fixed. Speaking of which, if you search for something in the App Store on an iPad, is that search still always there from then onwards? That's been the case for a while, too.
Nothing about that is mentioned or would be known in practice for at least a bit of time. That said, most people weren't having "broken" battery life (at least no more than what's typical to surface with pretty much any update).

It is very disappointing that nothing was mentioned or done. The battery life on my 5 and 5s is not broken, OS9 is draining the battery. Battery life with 8.4 was amazing. I thought battery life was supposed to be longer with 9 not shorter.
It is very disappointing that nothing was mentioned or done. The battery life on my 5 and 5s is not broken, OS9 is draining the battery. Battery life with 8.4 was amazing. I thought battery life was supposed to be longer with 9 not shorter.
Seems like something is going on there though. Many people aren't having battery issues, meaning it's not some sort of an iOS 9 issue per se.
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No app switcher lag? No Control Center lag?

Please confirm this. <3


Excuse the crudity of this video, as doing videos is not my thing.

I'm fine with the way iOS 9.0.1 is reacting in the video, but you may see something you don't care for. I don't have gamer eyes. The only game I play is WWF. Haha

A few of those missed swipes are due to the screen protector needing to be wiped off.

6+ 16gb

I hope this helps!

I highly recommend that you do a Google search regarding OS9 battery life issues. It should enlighten you.
The "enlightening" part would be that you can do a similar search for essentially any iOS update (and in particular x.0 updates), but that doesn't mean there are inherent battery issues in those updates. Just because there are people complaining (as is usually the case with any update, as I mentioned), doesn't mean it represents many people, let alone a majority--and if there was an inherent battery problem with an update it would affect at least the majority or at least pretty much everyone with some particular device or something else in particular, which is rarely the case.
The "enlightening" part would be that you can do a similar search for essentially any iOS update (and in particular x.0 updates), but that doesn't mean there are inherent battery issues in those updates. Just because there are people complaining (as is usually the case with any update, as I mentioned), doesn't mean it represents many people, let alone a majority--and if there was an inherent battery problem with an update it would affect at least the majority or at least pretty much everyone with some particular device or something else in particular, which is rarely the case.

Battery life with 8.4 was amazing and with OS9 terrible. My 5 is two years old and my 5s is less than a year so you can believe what you want.
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If you have reduce motion on and open an app which is in a folder, the corners of the folder gets bigger before the app opens.

I don't think this was an issue in iOS 9.
Battery life with 8.4 was amazing and with OS9 terrible. My 5 is two years old and my 5s is less than a year so you can believe what you want.

It's best to ignore C DM. Every time there's a release or update, this is his modus operandi. He's an amusing character, for sure. :)
Every year, the conservative estimate of reduced battery life is about 10% iirc - so every year, yup, the battery life on the new OS is going to be worse - for one because the battery's capacity has gone down through normal usage.

It is very disappointing that nothing was mentioned or done. The battery life on my 5 and 5s is not broken, OS9 is draining the battery. Battery life with 8.4 was amazing. I thought battery life was supposed to be longer with 9 not shorter.

So - what were your conclusions when you checked Battery breakdown in Settings?
Does Low power mode help? Have you got lots of notificaitons, background things running etc?
Does false app store updates count? Seen 25 after updating...
I like how my iPad asked if I wanted to install it or wait after I downloaded the update, but my phone was like, naw, this is getting installed right away. xd
Couple of issues with spotlight search with iPhone 6 Plus:

The search bar is often hidden under the operator name and clock. Pressing home then swiping right knocks it down to the correct position.

If contacts is taken off the spotlight search I can't seem to scroll down the news list if "more" is selected. Reenabling the contacts makes scrolling possible.
Every year, the conservative estimate of reduced battery life is about 10% iirc - so every year, yup, the battery life on the new OS is going to be worse - for one because the battery's capacity has gone down through normal usage.

So - what were your conclusions when you checked Battery breakdown in Settings?
Does Low power mode help? Have you got lots of notificaitons, background things running etc?
Does false app store updates count? Seen 25 after updating...

I've had zero false app store updates, have never seen one of those. Notifications zero no background items running because I've turned everything off. Low Power Mode is on and I have no idea what Seen 25 is or even means.
Battery life with 8.4 was amazing and with OS9 terrible. My 5 is two years old and my 5s is less than a year so you can believe what you want.
I believe that you are having battery issues, as are various people. What I'm saying is that it doesn't specifically seem to be some issue in iOS 9 in particular that would be causing it. Sometimes it's the install itslef, sometimes it's something from configuration or a backup, sometimes it's something stuck (some process or app or some sync action), sometimes there's something that isn't quite right with the battery or hardware that doesn't become apparent until a new installation happens, etc. There are times when updates themselves do have battery issues, but those issues would generally much more prevalent in those cases.
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