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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2015
Long Island, New York
Has anyone gotten a chance to see how the stability - bugs, crashes, etc. and battery life is in beta 3? I'm on an iPhone 5s and thats my only and primary device... Not sure if I should go from 8.4 to 9 b3. Thanks!
Give it another day or two, people need to play around with it first. However I know Beta 2 had reports of better battery life than did Beta 1. So should be the same for this.
Here are my ratings so far from 1-10. 1 being terrible / lots of bugs, 10 being perfect/no bugs
iPhone 6

Performance: 7. Could definitely be better. Still some stuttering and frame drops compared to 8.3/8.4.
Bugs: 4. Lots of weird UI glitches. Some still from b1 despite reporting all of them.
Stability: 8.5.
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iPhone 6 ....updated this night to iOS 9 Beta 3 .....OK...

But .....some minutes ago I put it in the Apple charger-dock.....
.....Display black....pressing Buttons - no reaction, Display stays black --> pressed "Power" and "home" for some seconds it works.....

A beta is a beta is a beta ....;)
On my 6+ it's stable so far, since installing it yesterday afternoon. Also the battery is better for me. On previous iOS 9 betas, I would get home at 6pm with only 20-30% battery. It's 7:15pm I currently have 40% battery left.
iPad Air 2 - It's pretty good. There are some UI stutters every now in then, especially in the notification center. Despite that, it runs pretty well. And likely due to Metal, I can use split view and pip without battery drain. I'm loving it way better that iOS 8. Haven't really gone through intelligence yet. I'll report for the iPhone 5s later.
Seems pretty good on the Air 2 here. Not sure about battery life yet as I just reached 100%, but I'm praying that it's good because I wanna keep this for split screen. Only problem I'm experiencing so far is the Search page being blank.
Battery life is good and this is with the watch connected too after a full day of use


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I've noticed that when first firing my iPhone 6 up after the update it was hotter than usual and a little sluggish in places. I'm assuming this is because of the indexing, because after a few hours those problems are nowhere to be seen.
Really good on my Air 2. MacRumors is currently up on the slide-over tab, that's where I'm typing from, and it's really awesome.
But on topic, performance is great, and battery life is also much better than expected. I've been using my iPad for 21 minutes off charge and it still shows 100%. Earlier today I was on it for about 1 and a half to 2 hours, and by the end of it I was on 93%
Performance? Bugs out of the way, performance seems just about the same.
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Anyone on iPad Air to share his wisdom?:)

Thinking of upgrading,don't want to have black screens or no battery life though
I also notice a distinct stutter in the UI now, it really isn't as smooth as before. Funny how things have changed, because El Capitan is distinctly smoother on my 2008 MacBook.
The UI sluggishness has been present since b1 and will go away by GM. The battery life, for me on my 6+, from b1 to b3 is nothing short of a miracle. Just day 1, but I'm getting better battery life with b3 than the latest 8.4.
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