Most of the time Apple does the two day shipping or the overnight shipping so we should be goodThat's pretty much what I'm expecting as well, although I would like to see mine ship sometime today to feel 100% confident about a Friday arrival. My folio case shipped Sunday and is on schedule for a Wednesday arrival.
Most of the time Apple does the two day shipping or the overnight shipping so we should be good
No you won'tNooooo ... if that happens to me, I'm cancelling my order and saving the money for an Air with Apple silicon 😱
I was hoping to pick one up in the store on Friday. Are these completely sold out?
Place an order online for the model you want and see if/when pickup is available at your local Apple Store.
I was hoping to pick one up in the store on Friday. Are these completely sold out?
Has anyone’s order shipped yet?
If it’s like a lot of other launches it should launch tonight from the United States, it should show ship this eveningNot yet. My iPhone shipped and that’s coming from China. I assume my iPad won’t show up until today or tomorrow.
i ordered it last week but I am also refreshing the page for in-Store pick up all the time. Yesterday it opened up for literally 2 minutes and by the time I clicked the final purchase now button, it was already gone!
I have also noticed that they changed it to simply say „not available at the stores“ over night. Now I can’t even search for availability at any stores anymore. Bummer
Still waiting, but I just received the AppleCare email, so I expect it to ship sometime later today.
My Smart Folio arrived today & got email about my Apple Care 😀 IPad is preparing to ship via express delivery 😀