We are 141 pages into this thread and I am still confused about something. When we say “replace” do we mean get rid of our traditional computer all together and going iPad only, or are we allowing for the person that might have “replaced” their laptop and now is working effectively with say an iPad + iMac combo?
If the later, I think there are tons of people that could be very effective using an iPad as their mobile solution (after-all the OS is based on a mobile operating system) and a desktop computer for heavy lifting back at their desk/workstation. You can avoid a lot of frustration this way. The iPad excels at reading, reviewing, and marking up documents and photos. It is also great for taking notes. This is all stuff people do in meetings and when mobile. If you can save the more complex content creation and multi-tasking activities for your desktop computer, then the iPad can easily replace the need to own a laptop.
If the later, I think there are tons of people that could be very effective using an iPad as their mobile solution (after-all the OS is based on a mobile operating system) and a desktop computer for heavy lifting back at their desk/workstation. You can avoid a lot of frustration this way. The iPad excels at reading, reviewing, and marking up documents and photos. It is also great for taking notes. This is all stuff people do in meetings and when mobile. If you can save the more complex content creation and multi-tasking activities for your desktop computer, then the iPad can easily replace the need to own a laptop.