You must be never satisfied, as no OS's are at their endgame over night. All OS's take years of development and keep adding new features as they are updated. In reality, all OS's are in a state of evolution and development. As I pointed out above...You must be easily pleased if you are happy with the minor things apple drip feeds you every year, you must like being on the end of a piece of string climbing up one arm lengths each year haha
Fact is, it took Microsoft 10 years to get to Win95 and get the modern multitasking and other features we are used to in a modern OS. iPadOS has only been around since September 24, 2019, not even 3 years yet. Give all the complaining about iPadOS a break and just enjoy it for what it is. In the mean time, have some patience with Apple, and if you can't wait for iPadOS to mature and get to exactly where you want it to be, feel free to step off and take a different path at any point.
I love iPadOS for its simplicity and intuitive ease of use. I know not everybody can use it like I can, but the fact still remains that iPadOS on my iPad Pro has easily run my real estate businesses since Nov. 2021, cut my work flow, and makes using a computer fun again. If that means I am easily pleased, so be it. Learn how to use a tablet computer and the OS that runs it. Accept that it is not MacOS or Windows, and never will be, but an OS that is made just for the iPad tablet. It feels a ton better than never being pleased, always being irritated, and complaining like a petulant child.
1. easily annoyed and complaining in a rude way like a child 2. easily annoyed…
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