No one, including Tim ever claimed that the iPad would or even could replace the laptop or desktop for everyone, but said very plainly that, “Yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop for many, many people. They will start using it and conclude they no longer need to use anything else, other than their phones,” Cook argues.
This statement is true, even more so today than it was when he made it. My iPad Pro has completely replaced my MBP since Nov. 2021 and easily allows me to run both of my real estate businesses with it. I have read many posts here and elsewhere of "many, many" people being able to do the same thing, just like Tim predicted. No one has ever claimed that Windows or Mac machines would disappear and be totally replaced by the iPad, but more and more businesses, professions, and individuals are finding that an iPad fits their needs just as well or better as an "traditional" computer. As the iPadOS matures and adds more features and abilities, this will continue to happen more and more.