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I'm pretty sure you can change the details later. I did with my iPhone 3Gs (originally registered to my wife by accident and then to me).

A few months later I paid my dues and registered as an iPhone application developer and for some reason I'm still called "Vicky" on my profile!

I cant remember what I did with the iPhone. She got my old iPhone when I got the 3GS. I might register this anyway. Doesnt really matter. As long as I wipe it when I get mine and sync it with her iTunes as a new iPad. Anyway, best in my name as if it goes wrong it's me who takes it back.
Interesting. In our household all large purchases are joint decisions. I can only assume you bought it and didn't actually tell her until it arrived?

LOL. If I waited for a joint decision, we'd still be watching VHS on a 14inch colour portable. :D

It normally goes.
Me:- "I'm going to buy this".
Her (either)
"No way, over my dead body" - which means a no or
"Why do you even ask me, you're going to do it anyway" - which means. Fine, go ahead.
In over 20 years, she's never said "Oh good, let's buy that lovely 40 inch Sony bravia" etc... Don't get me wrong. She is lovely and has given me two lovely kids and a happy home but she finds it very hard to spend money on er... Stuff.
Tough luck mate. The condition I got one was that she got one too. I have a 16GB one that will be hers when the 3G ones are launched here in the UK.

I have activated it but not registered it yet. I will let her do that. Trouble is it keeps nagging me to register it every time I sync it. Gives the choice register later (nag) or never. Worried if I choose never she wont be able to register it when I part with it.

Thanks mate. There is an option to reset it back to factory settings in the iPad menu. I did it a while ago and when the ipad rebooted, it was asking to be synced like a brand new fresh ipad.
I feel sorry for you guys who have to ask spouses to be "allowed" to buy "stuff." I own my own home (mortgaged) and my fiance doesn't live with me, but even if he did, we both like gadgets so much that there would be no question of being allowed to buy stuff. I'm usually the first one to encourage him to buy a new guitar / amp / computer, and he does the same for me.
However - I recognise that I am not yer average woman in that regard. Like James May I have no stair carpet (haven't had for over a year - I spent the money on a 50" plasma tv). ;) The money I am saving for the iPad started life as a savings fund to put a bath in the en suite bathroom upstairs, but that idea went out of the window when the iPad was announced.
I was under the impression that s/he who dies with the most gadgets, wins ? Isn't that how it is ? :) ;)
I feel sorry for you guys who have to ask spouses to be "allowed" to buy "stuff." I own my own home (mortgaged) and my fiance doesn't live with me, but even if he did, we both like gadgets so much that there would be no question of being allowed to buy stuff. I'm usually the first one to encourage him to buy a new guitar / amp / computer, and he does the same for me.
However - I recognise that I am not yer average woman in that regard. Like James May I have no stair carpet (haven't had for over a year - I spent the money on a 50" plasma tv). ;) The money I am saving for the iPad started life as a savings fund to put a bath in the en suite bathroom upstairs, but that idea went out of the window when the iPad was announced.
I was under the impression that s/he who dies with the most gadgets, wins ? Isn't that how it is ? :) ;)

i never ask my g/f (we live together for 5 years) to buy gadget things, its my money and ill do with it as i please! i can understand however if the kids are not going to eat for a month to pay for it!!

i dont understand the whole situation like that, but each to their own i guess :)

nothing comes between me and :apple::apple::apple::apple::apple:
Aww mate! How could you let her do this to you. You was our tracking buddy!

It's just you and me now Mike, cyber's dead to us now ;)

/shambles slowly off into the wilderness, a broken man, the wind howling under a deadening sky with bitter tears grimly flowing down his reddening cheeks...

'Tis a cruel cruel world... At least I'll get to live with the ipad vicariously through you guys. It's not much but it's all I got.

Don't worry. At this rate you'll have an iPad back again before I do!

I've got two cheap cases (£5 neoprene + £3 silicon sleeve) and a ManBag (Case Logic XNTM-1 SM) coming that will probably arrive before I have an iPad to put in them!
Tough luck mate. The condition I got one was that she got one too. I have a 16GB one that will be hers when the 3G ones are launched here in the UK.

I have activated it but not registered it yet. I will let her do that. Trouble is it keeps nagging me to register it every time I sync it. Gives the choice register later (nag) or never. Worried if I choose never she wont be able to register it when I part with it.

You can reregister Apple hardware or software at any time through this link --- Pretty handy for second hand purchases and the like.
So if I get a US iPad when they come out over here, can I just get Apple Care to ensure that the warranty applies over here? Or will that still make it apply to US?
So if I get a US iPad when they come out over here, can I just get Apple Care to ensure that the warranty applies over here? Or will that still make it apply to US?

I believe the final conclusion that was made on the matter of the warranty is that it applies internationally. Buying AppleCare will just extend your international warranty for another year. :)
I like the concept but for all practical purposes I think I'll give this a miss. Considering that the official Apple case doesn't even work with the official Apple dock I think that all manufacturers could make progress in this area.

Still, I'm not convinced about the 'Car Dock' (aren't dash displays above a certain size illegal?) nor the shoulder strap (is this serious?). Wall mount and desk mounts are good ideas but I'm sure there are other products that can be used with each other without having a potentially awkward modular system.
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