What's really sad, is reading the post's of people who don't know how to use the iPad as anything but a toy, or just for "bed activities" that come on forums like this and make broad, baseless claims that pertain only to themselves, when the iPad is capable of so much more. In fact, imo the iPad is the most dynamic, flexible, and versatile device Apple has ever made and cannot be put in a box. It's a fact that not everyone can replace their laptop with an iPad, but everyone can certainly use their iPad as more than just a "toy". My 85 year old mother proves that every day with her iPad.I love reading these iPad posts from people that spend 1k+ on a toy device and then complain it's not a computer. An iPad is used for watching YouTube and other couch/bed activities. No reason someone who wants a real PC should need to buy the most expensive iPad simply because it has "Pro" in the name. They offer these for as low as $329 new, it's not necessary to overpay and then complain about the cost.
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