Mad Mac Maniac
macrumors 601
I really want a 12.9" as well, but I'm going to wait 2-3 years until they can reduce the weight and bezels on it. That version will probably also be OLED or mLED and 3X retina. I think the 12.9" is better for web and multitasking, but the 10.5" is good enough for what I do right now. Once I move to doing most of my work on the iPad and they continue making the OS better for Pro use, I'll want a bigger display. Right now 10.5" is a good transition size until the 12.9" is where it needs to be for using in hand while I'm drawing, editing photos or whatever. Enjoy your 12.9"!
Yeah I’m in a similar boat to this. I have a 9.7 pro, which is perfect for me, especially because when I want a larger screen I go to my 2013 MBA. But I figure in a few years with advancements in iOS and reductions in size/weight, I’ll move up to the 12.9 in replacement of both my 9.7 pro and MBA.