I have the 1st gen 12.9 and also had the 9.7" Pro. I originally ordered the 2nd gen 12.9 to replace my 1st gen, but was made to feel guilty about it by my husband. He couldn't understand why I wanted to upgrade the big one when he sees the smaller one as the ideal size. Yes, I could have stuck to my decision, but I ended up cancelling that order and ordered the 10.5 instead. I love the 10.5 and the 9.7 now seems small with huge borders. My husband got my 9.7 Pro and I still have both sizes. I love them both. The portability of the 10.5 is awesome, but I love the size of the 12.9 screen. I now feel somewhat like the OP was feeling, some buyers remorse over getting the 10.5, but perhaps it's a case of grass is always greener on the other side. I'm not sure. I would have liked to have purchased the 12.9 with 512GB, I could do with the extra storage, and would have loved the true tone display on it. Anyway, I do love the 10.5 and find it best for portability and also reading in bed. But when I'm otherwise at home (table, desk or couch) or at work then I prefer the 12.9 most of the time. I shouldn't complain, I have both. What I plan on doing is to just keep on using the set up that I currently have and making the 12.9 my upgrade when gen 3 is released. By then, I'll be so excited for it and will feel that the wait was worth while. Until then, the wait feels hard and I keep reading about everyone loving their gen 2 12.9's and I wish that it was me too. It's a first world issue and I'm lucky enough to have the two iPads that I have though.