I think in the future, a computer will look more like an iPad rather than a laptop. And that is what is happening right now. There will be an OS that will be touch enabled that will work from 4 inch screen to a 30 inch screen. So I do not see this as a failed experiment but as a set of data points to make a better computer toward that future.
For me now, after using 12.9 for a week, 9.7 size looks like a toy to me.
So what Microsoft has been doing with Windows.
MS is the 2000lb elephant in the room. They aren't going away and they already have the basics in place with their Surface Pro line - touch interface, mouse support, and Windows.
Win10 seems to be well received......even I, an avowed Win7 lover...have testdrove it and it's quite OK.
They just need to convince more support from developers and software companies to write apps and thats been slow, but it has been getting better and probably will continue to get better.
In contrast, we have Apple...fantastic hardware for their tablet, but at a crossroads (of sorts) because they've been slow to give the iPad more software features and we don't even know if mouse support will ever come.
The App store needs some overhauling to better allow more revenue to flow out to developers, etc. As long as they treat the iPad as a big iPhone, they will never grow past a certain point. Certainly, that convergence that Apple leadership talks about seems stalled.
And the more Apple takes their time implementing the things that would extend and enhance the iPad, the more time they give to MS to improve their app store and shore up things like battery life, better display, etc.
It's been Apple's game to lose and they not shown us much these last 1.5 years besides giving us rudimentary split-windows and the pencil.
You might be satisfied with that...I am not.
I have both: an iPad Pro 12.9 and a 12" MacBook. I think that an iPad Pro 12.9 with MacOs would be great. As of now I prefer a 12" MacBook which is more versatile for my use case ...
As much as they've touted Continuum, there's been very little meat in those bones (so far).
Windows 10 on a tablet is still a desktop version of Windows 10. They have touch, but I would say is VERY FAR from being Touch FRIENDLY (at most, you could call it touch enabled - but I still feel like I need a mouse or stylus to be able to operate the GUI).
Microsoft has a LONG way to go to make Windows better for non- Desktop machines/uses.
Don't get me wrong - Windows 10 is the best desktop version of Windows yet, but gone is the touch-friendly nature of Windows 8. Windows will never be able to move past being a Desktop operating system until they admit they need a different GUI to support different modes of operation - and they haven't shown that in the OS yet (still not in the Creator Edition - the third major release of Windows 10).
Apple, on the other hand, recognizes that mobile mindset is different than desktop mindset. Apple isn't treating the iPad like a big iPhone - it's treating the iPad as a mobile device (different in category to a desktop device). That's the whole point. The 12.9" iPad Pro ONLY blurs the lines due to it's size - everything else about it places it firmly in the "mobile" category.
Who is right?
It's always going to be a matter of opinion, but for the moment I think Apple is right. I think Microsoft has the potential to be right in the long run (and I do find myself re-investing in Microsoft in the desktop category), but they have a LOT of promises to fulfill with Continuum. Until they make the leap and realize "Tablet Mode" needs to be more than "Alternate App Launcher" Windows 10 will remain a desktop OS.
You're right...the SP is far from perfect. We'll have to see if the SP5 takes it further.
I just hate that Apple seems to languish on the iPad front and seems to be content with getting their cut of $$$ from the App store.
They could have much more, but no one seems to have a bold vision at Apple anymore.
So what Microsoft has been doing with Windows.
I found the 12.9 great for casual use while on the couch but I ultimately decided on the smaller pro, It's just so much more portable and easier to hold. Now if I want a bigger screen I just use my 15" MBP.
Completely agree. Bringing out a 12.9 in a busy meeting room and finding a spot on a table for notes or your lap was a circus in its own right at my job lol
The 9.7 being the size of a normal sized legal pad for notes is the perfect size for my needs.
Actually a legal pad is 8.5 x 11.75 inches, almost the exact same dimensions as the 12.9 iPad Pro.