To each their own. I do similar stuff, with similar tools (Textastic, Pythonista, Editorial, Working Copy, Prompt) but I cannot be as productive on the iPad as a laptop. For me, I need quick app switching as I usually am flipping between 5-6 applications/windows at a time on the laptop and the iPad (including Pro) has a delay when CMD-Tabing between windows. I flip enough that this delay drives me insane. Then the text selection without a mouse is truly terrible (opinion I know). It also doesn't work well when having multiple documents open in the same app (this is more app specific than iPad specific I think, though the OS doesn't have windowing support so...).
I've tried many times to make the flip, but it just can't cut it for me. That isn't to say that other people's workflows don't work just as well on the iPad or even better on an iPad than a laptop. I do like that is works as a supplemental device and is easy to work with while traveling. For reading materials (tech PDFs mostly) it is a lot nicer to use than my laptop, but that is consumption and not production.