As someone who had horrible luck with the ones from Best Buy a couple of months ago (dead pixels, dark spots on the screen, and dents out of the box, etc.), I will say it’s good thing you have three on the way, especially if you happen to receive the one from Apple first and it turns out to be defective. Then you’ll be glad you put yourself through all this “trouble” with Best Buy, as you get two more chances, which should be enough, aside from my experience (being an optimist for you here 😂). And when one of the three turns out to be a keeper, it’ll be all worth in the end, even if you have to go through just a bit more hassle of having to return the other two. 😂
With the price you’re paying, it needs to be no less than pristine out of the box. It’s a shame Apple’s QC isn’t exactly something to admire these days lol.