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My early 2009 2.26Ghz Mac mini with 4GB DDR3 has no problem with two monitors , a 26" Samsung T260HD and 24" Samsung both in 1920x1200 with the 9400m Nvidia graphic chip and could push 2560x1600 with a 30" Dell using a mini displayport - displayport cable.
That is until you start actually doing something graphical. Try running an openGL app at native resolution and watch it crawl. I know, I have one 1920x1200 display connected to my mini. I had an integrated intel chipset 5 years ago that could drive the same resolution. Just because it can display at that resolution doesn't mean it runs it well when you start pushing it.

The Mac mini uses a mobile 25w CPU
Yes and the cheapest thinest formfactor apple can cram cpu/9400m into is this:
Significantly larger than and way more expensive than a ipad, and thats without a "retina" display. Nobody with half a brain is going to pay >$1500 for an ipad that chokes when doing anything graphically intensive. I wouldn't even pay $1500 for an ipad with a retina display that ran graphically intensive stuff well.
That is until you start actually doing something graphical. Try running an openGL app at native resolution and watch it crawl. I know, I have one 1920x1200 display connected to my mini. I had an integrated intel chipset 5 years ago that could drive the same resolution. Just because it can display at that resolution doesn't mean it runs it well when you start pushing it.

Yes and the cheapest thinest formfactor apple can cram cpu/9400m into is this:
Significantly larger than and way more expensive than a ipad, and thats without a "retina" display. Nobody with half a brain is going to pay >$1500 for an ipad that chokes when doing anything graphically intensive. I wouldn't even pay $1500 for an ipad with a retina display that ran graphically intensive stuff well.

Then forget the iPad and get a Dell Studio 17 (1749) Core i7 17.3-inch (900p) Core i7 Quad-core Laptop for $959.99 w/free shipping.
A next-generation iPad running at, oh, 1.4 GHz, really shouldn't have a problem running a display with a resolution that high, not with a well optimized OS and dedicated hardware for it.

Running games on it is a different story. Rendering text? Totally doable.

I doubt Apple's going to do it now though. Not at 300+ DPI; the screen'll be too expensive, and many apps like games won't be able to fully utilize it.
The iPhone only has 512mb because of the hd recording and editing. Otherwise it wouldn't warrant it!

If you look at all the comparisons between the iPad and iPhone 4 the iPad Walks over the iPhone because of the a4 running at 1ghz.

Does the iPad need 512mb? No! Why? Because as it stands it didn't need it. Will it need it if they give it a retina display? No! It'll need a faster gpu that's all.

Will it goto rev b before it's 12 month cycle? Nope apple only did this with the 2g iPhone because they made a mistake.
It's fairly obvious the first gen iPad (I own one myself) is a "test version" for Apple.

They wanted to test the market and see how it reacts. They aren't going to put all the bells and whistles into a first gen brand new product. It's certain they limited specs of the iPad (RAM) such that if the market likes the iPad, Apple can easily update the specs in the second gen without much in terms of Research and Development dollars.

Since the iPad has been a huge hit (it still hasn't been released in all their usual countries) and still a 10 day ship to order wait time, it's doubtful Apple will add RAM until the 2nd generation.

It's like the first gen iPhone. They should have put the 3G chip into it and also GPS. But they held back on those easy upgrades to see how the world reacts.

Once the iPhone was deemed a success, they simply added 3G and GPS and "updated" it in the 2nd generation to sell more.

It's a simply, cost effective strategy by Apple. There's a reason Apple enjoys the healthiest of all profit margains in the cut throat computer business.

So in closing, NO, there won't be a RAM upgrade until iPad 2nd generation comes out. We don't know the upgrade cycle of the iPad. But considering it hasn't been out more than a few months and not released worldwide, it could be well into late Q1 2011 before we see an updated iPad with more RAM.
To say this as nicely as I can without getting ticked off from these repeated threads: Apple generally refreshes their products once a year. Considering the fact that the iPad has been a successful hit and is still stockless in many places, it's highly doubtful Apply will even refresh it next Spring, forget this Fall. My best guess, as I have been a long time follower of Apple devices, is that Apple will refresh the iPad series in Spring 2012 or Fall 2011. Macrumors has created a tab called the "Buyer's Guide" on the top right. Keep a look into that as they tend to provide their expert predictions (many of which match up with mine and with those who tend to follow Apple devices for a long time).

Therefore, in GIST:
Is iPad going to be refreshed this year? No.
Is iPad going to get 512 MB RAM or higher? Yes and most likely in the next refresh.
Is iPad going to get Retina display? I honestly cannot answer this as it'll be very expensive for Apple to implement this technology for a much larger screen than the iPhone.
Is iPad going to get a camera, if not 2? I can certainly say yes to implement the Facetime technology, and even if not, to implement the video chatting technology.

P.S. I answered some of the most common questions above with my best guess. I don't have prove and can only provide expert predictions based on Apple's cycle over the past 6-7 years.
iPad 5"-7" in near future?

Ive heard thru my Asian friends that the media there has talked about a smaller iPad about 5"-7" in size. They usually hear things before I do since they are over there and they haven't been wrong to me before. They told me the price range would be under $400 but they couldnt give me any details about the full specs. When I can find out more I'll post it here.
I think Macrumors should give a mandatory test to everyone who desires to post anything. It's important when we read this forum, we are reading words of those who actually know what they are talking about. The test doesn't have to be the SAT, but it should be something like a 10 question exam that wouldn't be difficult at all if you know apple at all.


I think Macrumors should give a mandatory test to everyone who desires to post anything. It's important when we read this forum, we are reading words of those who actually know what they are talking about. The test doesn't have to be the SAT, but it should be something like a 10 question exam that wouldn't be difficult at all if you know apple at all.



Especially ones that died a couple of months ago
Based on (1) the available evidence and (2) Apple's sales tactics history, it seems to me that an updated iPad or at least some sort of iPad price drop will be coming in the fall.

The evidence:

That's NOT evidence!

This is really quite simple. There will be NO ipad update this fall and there will be NO price reduction. The first update will be roughly one year from the intro date. That's the way Apple does the iphone and that's the way the ipad will get updated. Get it?

why would apple make and release a new one when the current ones are still hard to keep in stock?

they'll release a new one to attract more buyers, but they have no problems with selling these right now.

as for a smaller one, wasn't that rumored back before the ipad was launched?
saying that it will originally be released in two sizes since those are the sizes of screens ordered or something like that. or maybe it was a patent thing, i don't know. how much smaller would you want it? that would be a very weird setup to be an ipod touch, mini ipad, and ipad. then 13" macbook/pro would be the next size up.

i don't really see that happening, but who knows.

the things i think the ipad needs and is pretty inevitable from obtaining is the gyroscope, now that they've added that into the iphone. and a camera. a camera on the ipad makes a lot more sense than a camera on an ipod. so i'm not just saying that because that's some kind of obvious thing to add to every single product ever made. i don't really know what else. retina display?
maybe a stylus. for drawing and such. pressure control? depending on how hard you push down, etc etc. i don't really know. there's a lot of things that can be added.

i'm wondering why they don't make a macbook pro with a touch screen. they can obviously fit it into the screen, since they've made the ipad in it's entirety into it's size. a screen of a macbook pro wouldn't even need to hold any memory, or anything like that. just have the touch function. it wouldn't be to use all the time (unless they wanted to make the screen rotatable to become a tablet.) but it would be nice to have i suppose. people would buy it.
Based on (1) the available evidence and (2) Apple's sales tactics history, it seems to me that an updated iPad or at least some sort of iPad price drop will be coming

(4): Why wait until the fall to release OS 4 for iPad? Don't all the new features such as multitasking and iAds make at least as much, if not more sense on the iPad? Unless they are waiting for a new iPad revision to come out...

They're not releasing a revised version.

The reason why they're waiting till fall 2010... Is because the iPad works differently than the iPhone....apps take a while to change.. Developers want to take their time adjusting to the new iOS 4, so that you will see new cool apps for the fall.

Another reason why it's very unlikely for a revision is that the iPhone just came out in the summer. Apple doesn't want to show everything in their arsenal and sell it and don't have nothing big to sell the next quarter.

In my opinion the chances of an iPad revision are 1.5%.

by spring 2011 the chances do get stronger for a new revision
Why not just double the pixels in both direction, similar to what the iPhone did. This would also make legacy apps made at 1024 X 768 easily compatible.

In this case, the screen resolution would be 2048 X 1536. This would make for a dot pitch of 264.
The entire Sony Vaio-UX series of micro PCs have a 4.5" display at 1024x600which is 264 PPI or double the iPad's PPI. But that's half the physical size.

A closer screen size to the iPad is the Vaio P series, with an 8" display at 1600x768 which is 222 PPI. That makes it "retinal" according to Apple's criteria at 16", only five inches further away than the iPhone 4 distance.

(Grabbing tape measure to see how far 16" is... hmm... yeah I hold the iPad about that distance.)

If you love non-Apple products so much, why are you here?

222 PPI of the non-Apple product you are selling is not retina quality, as a retinal neuroscientist identified the human eye resolution is above 222ppi and below iPhone 4 display.

In addition, iPad uses desktop quality pixels. The non-Apple product you are selling most likely does not.
and to get back on topic, the retina display is way too cost prohibitive for the size of ipad's display, but toshiba's new 64gb flash chip should def be in the next rev of ipad.
Do people who continue to post new threads like this ever search? There's a myriad of them with the same answers. :rolleyes:
I'll eat crow...

Ha! Now that's an expression I'm unfamiliar with.

But I agree that far too often, especially with newer members, people cite their own speculation and gut feeling as reason or "evidence" for apple's future product plans. Apple's sales history spans a long timeline, which has had enough variations that it's unlikely anyone can conclude such with a new product, in particular. At this point the iPhone (and maybe ipod) seems to be the only real predictable seasonal product. Check the buyers guide and almost everything else has had some variation for updates/revisions.
But I will say that once iOS 4 for the iPad hits it will at least feel like there's been a revision. I saw that as a plus when I decided to be an early adopter -- not having to wait a whole year or so for full OS upgrade! Nice. :)
Highly doubt there would be a drop in price. The price point would begin to encroach on the iPod Touch which I don't think that is something they want to do. They can't keep the iPad on the shelves as it is. What incentive is there for them to drop the price? I see no added benefit on their part except lower margins.
Highly doubt there would be a drop in price. The price point would begin to encroach on the iPod Touch which I don't think that is something they want to do. They can't keep the iPad on the shelves as it is. What incentive is there for them to drop the price? I see no added benefit on their part except lower margins.

Yep. Plus, there's other products they might be focusing on getting ready for holiday shopping. I can think of a few that are long over due for updates. They set the ball in motion for iPhone 4 & iPad, the hype (and more ads) will take care of itself for the rest of the year.
Do people who continue to post new threads like this ever search? There's a myriad of them with the same answers. :rolleyes:

The irony is that this is actually an old thread from April, resurrected only hours ago by someone posting about a potential 5"-7" version, who probably found this thread via search.

But since we're here....

Days Since Update 214 (Avg = 245)

Now that this thread has been resurrected, it is 291 days since iPod Touch was updated. But about that 245:

If you actually look at the facts behind the numbers, you'll see that the 2/2008 "update", which you can easily click on, is the introduction of the 1G 32GB model. That's it. Otherwise, iPod Touch has been introduced and updated every September, like clockwork.

Based on this, maybe they'll introduce a 128GB model or some other minor tweak in "the fall". But no generation update until next April, maybe March (to fit in with June for iPhone and September).
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