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Feb 16, 2008
With my Huawei P39 Pro with 8GB ram programs frequently reloaded. Haven’t seen the same on my iPhone Pro Max. Same programs, same usage.


macrumors 65816
Nov 22, 2015
In normal use the 4gb is more than sufficient. I just don’t see people being serial app openers. I rarely see reloads on my Xs max.

The test sounded like normal use to me.
God people on this forum will complain about everything. Who opens every app on the first page of their phone, then takes a photo, then reopens all those apps as a regular way of interacting with their phone?

In regular day to day use the 11 Pro is great. If you’re upset about this stuff, buy an 11, or an Android phone, or just keep the phone you have.

Doesn’t matter. The OP’s tests prove a point.


macrumors 65816
Nov 22, 2015
God people on this forum will complain about everything. Who opens every app on the first page of their phone, then takes a photo, then reopens all those apps as a regular way of interacting with their phone?

In regular day to day use the 11 Pro is great. If you’re upset about this stuff, buy an 11, or an Android phone, or just keep the phone you have.

Doesn’t matter. The OP’s tests prove a point.
I think you guys saying you won't use your phone like this are missing the point.

If the phone can hold less in RAM due to the camera, this means in real world usage you will be reloading apps from scratch more often. This adds up to significant time, over the year+ you'll have this phone (presumably), spent waiting for the phone to perform operations.

Seems like a valid point by OP, and odd to me that the "Pro" version is handily outperformed in real world usage, by the "cheap" phone.

They should've put more RAM in the Pro models if the new camera system is so demanding. Period.
I'm a 3rd gen iPad owner, so you can't tell me Apple doesn't make mistakes sometimes and underspec their machines to bump up profits...

Agree. Funny how people react when they hear something they don’t want to hear. Sad.
It is not a question of a mail opening 1 sec later. It is more about the following:

You are writing a 3 pages email and filling a big form in safari and you are almost done when you decide to take a picture. Then you come back and everything has been cleared of ram so you miss ALL the work. There are more examples that are also delicate and believe me...if that happens to that moment you would say what a **** I paid for.

This is the real problem of apps reloading. Not for other scenarios In which it does not matter at all.

Exactly. Well said.
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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
App ram management is a YouTube geek war. It’s not real world usage to be using your phone to to see what apps open and close
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Apple used to "just work"

Now people are basing their purchase decision on the specific chips used because they can't trust Apple any more
Apple still "just works".

Which people are basing purchase decision on specific chips? What gets said in forums such as these are echo chambers and have no affect on the populace. And I can prove that statement.
- Apple is still in business with valuation around $1T even after the "critics" have decryed apple for various reasons.
- The notch is with us.
- There is no headphone jack.
- Airpods continue to sell like hotcakes.
- Can't downgrade IOS legitmately.
- etc.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2017
SF Bay Area
A GB ram increase would have had a minimal cost increase from the supply chain perspective.

This was done so next year you have a reason to upgrade.

I was Windows, then Windows Traitor, but now I am becoming an apple cider...

If the slowness is confirmed, this should be consider a manufacturer’s defect and be covered under the warranty. Meaning that they should replace the board with ram.
Nothing slow about my 11 Pro.
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macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2012
I wouldn’t have done OP’s test, but the 11 pro max doesn’t hold apps in memory as well as the 8+ or XS Max for me. I have had the same daily routines of checking and sending email and messages, browsing between chrome, safari, and edge, and playing the same games. The apps and games I use frequently reload when they used to resume. It reminds me of the Samsung phone that had the overly aggressive ram management when it was released. It’s annoying. Hopefully a software update fixes it.


Sep 27, 2013
I wouldn’t have done OP’s test, but the 11 pro max doesn’t hold apps in memory as well as the 8+ or XS Max for me. I have had the same daily routines of checking and sending email and messages, browsing between chrome, safari, and edge, and playing the same games. The apps and games I use frequently reload when they used to resume. It reminds me of the Samsung phone that had the overly aggressive ram management when it was released. It’s annoying. Hopefully a software update fixes it.

My concern is that when Deep Fusion (and the multi-camera version of Filmic Pro) is released the camera app is going to destroy RAM performance and regularly wipe out almost all other apps from memory. Waiting on the updated reviews to see how badly Apple crippled the best camera smartphone.
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