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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Bottom line is that these new phones are needed by almost no one today. They're all "wants," and for reasons that grow thinner and thinner with each iPhone iteration. "Gotta have AOD!" "Oh, that new color!" "The island is the bomb!" But then you realize, fairly quickly, that you're just using an expensive new toy to do the very same things you did yesterday on your perfectly good previous phone.

It's all a bit sad, really, this vapid consumerism.

Sad buying something that someone wants? We all like buying things that we think are cool and make us happy. I wouldn’t pay £1500 for a phone personally but don’t care if others do. I certainly don’t take offence to it like you appear to do.


macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2015
Chicago, IL
Bottom line is that these new phones are needed by almost no one today. They're all "wants," and for reasons that grow thinner and thinner with each iPhone iteration. "Gotta have AOD!" "Oh, that new color!" "The island is the bomb!" But then you realize, fairly quickly, that you're just using an expensive new toy to do the very same things you did yesterday on your perfectly good previous phone.

It's all a bit sad, really, this vapid consumerism.

Honest question. Why do you care what others choose to do with their money? Seriously, what aspect of your life is so tormented by what others do?


Aug 15, 2022
Honest question. Why do you care what others choose to do with their money? Seriously, what aspect of your life is so tormented by what others do?

You may have missed it, but money is used everyday to make our lives and futures worse. I am sure that is hard to wrap your head around, let alone any prescriptive statements that could be derived from it.

So not only do you fail in your assessment of the issue, but you go further to suggest the OP is "tormented," which even if true, it is not a slight against the OP but instead an indictment of your inability to understand what is being discussed.

But you've clearly got the MacRumors ideology down, so not a surprise you're a contributor.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
You may have missed it, but money is used everyday to make our lives and futures worse.
Money is also used for the betterment.
I am sure that is hard to wrap your head around, let alone any prescriptive statements that could be derived from it.

So not only do you fail in your assessment of the issue, but you go further to suggest the OP is "tormented," which even if true, it is not a slight against the OP but instead an indictment of your inability to understand what is being discussed.

But you've clearly got the MacRumors ideology down, so not a surprise you're a contributor.
I agree. Stick to the post and not the poster.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Rhetorical style selection isn't a science, sometimes we have to use what is most effective at getting eyes on the information.
Op was voicing an opinion, granted, on a website devoted to such things. I don’t know how many of us react to well written arguments vs trollish arguments.

For me I tend to tune out trolling as it’s negative rather than constructive.


macrumors 68000
Sep 28, 2015
Chicago, IL
Op was voicing an opinion, granted, on a website devoted to such things. I don’t know how many of us react to well written arguments vs trollish arguments.

For me I tend to tune out trolling as it’s negative rather than constructive.
You suggested I stick to the post and not the poster. That is fair. But sometimes seeing the same rhetoric from the same poster year after year, the two become synonymous. I mean, the poster started a thread of his/her “haiku of the iPhone 14” taking issue with its lack of features. This is so much beyond some issue with consumerism.


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2017
Bottom line is that these new phones are needed by almost no one today. They're all "wants," and for reasons that grow thinner and thinner with each iPhone iteration. "Gotta have AOD!" "Oh, that new color!" "The island is the bomb!" But then you realize, fairly quickly, that you're just using an expensive new toy to do the very same things you did yesterday on your perfectly good previous phone.

It's all a bit sad, really, this vapid consumerism.

You suggested I stick to the post and not the poster. That is fair. But sometimes seeing the same rhetoric from the same poster year after year, the two become synonymous. I mean, the poster started a thread of his/her “haiku of the iPhone 14” taking issue with its lack of features. This is so much beyond some issue with consumerism.
It's clearly somebody with issues, whether hateful/jealous/bitter/whatever. Trying to force THEIR OPINION onto others is stupid. Move on and find something that actually BRINGS YOU HAPPINESS.


macrumors 6502
Mar 10, 2022
I'm too busy saying yeaaaaaah.

But I see your point. I got four years out of my XS, my wife dropped and broke hers and in shopping for her replacement (a 13PM) I couldn't resist the $800 trade-in promo from Verizon so I ordered myself a new 14P.

I generally buy high spec and try to get as much life out of my devices as possible.


macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2016
Manchester, England
I think what the OP was trying to say has been lost so my take on it is - if people keep buying these new iPhones with very limited incremental "improvements" and the prices Apple are selling them at - then Apple will never change. they will never be forced to innovate and consider revising their pricing strategy because of all the sheep that will buy anything from Apple even if its not that good a deal (poor improvements over previous model(s) and higher prices, again). Thats my take anyway.


macrumors 68000
May 15, 2011
I think what the OP was trying to say has been lost so my take on it is - if people keep buying these new iPhones with very limited incremental "improvements" and the prices Apple are selling them at - then Apple will never change. they will never be forced to innovate and consider revising their pricing strategy because of all the sheep that will buy anything from Apple even if its not that good a deal (poor improvements over previous model(s) and higher prices, again). Thats my take anyway.
If you conducted a blind test by giving users an 11, 12, 13 and 14, they wouldn’t be able to tell which is which. 👀


Mar 12, 2022
I like how Apple hold back stock to make it seem like it’s popular and hard to get lol, creates desire and lust for the faithful.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 20, 2011
Bottom line is that these new phones are needed by almost no one today. They're all "wants," and for reasons that grow thinner and thinner with each iPhone iteration. "Gotta have AOD!" "Oh, that new color!" "The island is the bomb!" But then you realize, fairly quickly, that you're just using an expensive new toy to do the very same things you did yesterday on your perfectly good previous phone.

It's all a bit sad, really, this vapid consumerism.

Sigh… I am a lung cancer patient being kept alive by immunotherapy for over 7 years… what’s “ a bit sad” ( aside from planning your life around CT scans every 3 months) imho is coming to a forum & literally sucking the joy out of people who are excited to get a new device.

Your 8+ works for you? You are very happy with it? Good for you. Why not just say that instead of posting these incredibly moralizing posts ?

Yes, this community is actually fairly tolerant of people who criticize Apple but most folks here I would say enjoy their products. You spoke your piece, now why not let others enjoy their excitement?

Life is often not fair & for many it is far too short. Seeing people excited & happy is a pleasure imho. You are excited & happy with your decision why not let others enjoy their choices?


Aug 15, 2022
To be honest, that was about as much as it deserved. I tried, but think the OP is annoyed they aren’t in the position to upgrade as often as they’d like. Ridiculing others for upgrading since 2017 has been their annual event. Is it worth any more analysis do you think?

That's where you went wrong, the analysis isn't about the OP.

Knowlege Bomb

macrumors G4
Feb 14, 2008
I couldn’t. I tried so hard but I was tired of throwing my extra income at my vehicle loan so thought “why not get something I enjoy? It’s $25/mo… I spend four times that on streaming services alone.” *shrug*
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