I have the iPad 1 so I knew I was not getting iOS 6, but I would have been mad if I had bought the iPad 2 and then see I was not getting Siri with iOS 6.
iPad 2 has the same specs than the iPhone 4S: A5 chip and 512MB RAM. So whats the problem? Dont tell me its screen resolution since thats nonsense.
IPad 2 is only 1 year old, same as the iPhone 4 when it didnt get Siri.
At least every device upgrading to Jelly Bean will get the new Google Voice Search and Google Now, not just the new Nexus phone.
With Siri, the argument is that it is the microphone not performing up to Apple's standards on lesser models (iPhone 4, iPad 2, etc.. Again, this is something I am simply regurgitating (off the top of my head mind you) from responses directly to me in another thread. I even remember mentioning that we have gotten these features working on the very units that Apple claimed hardware limitation on. The answer to that was that Apple's quality control is much more strict than any end user's would be and therefore it just didn't pass their quality control. In other words, while the hardware CAN support it, Apple didn't feel it was good enough.
Why am I saying all this? Just to point out that one can talk himself into believing just about anything. I prefer not to believe without some sort of evidence, and from where I sit, the evidence is not in Apple's favor. I am certainly not just going to take a company's word for it. "Because we said so" just doesn't cut it for me.