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I have the iPad 1 so I knew I was not getting iOS 6, but I would have been mad if I had bought the iPad 2 and then see I was not getting Siri with iOS 6.

iPad 2 has the same specs than the iPhone 4S: A5 chip and 512MB RAM. So whats the problem? Dont tell me its screen resolution since thats nonsense.

IPad 2 is only 1 year old, same as the iPhone 4 when it didnt get Siri.

At least every device upgrading to Jelly Bean will get the new Google Voice Search and Google Now, not just the new Nexus phone.

With Siri, the argument is that it is the microphone not performing up to Apple's standards on lesser models (iPhone 4, iPad 2, etc.. Again, this is something I am simply regurgitating (off the top of my head mind you) from responses directly to me in another thread. I even remember mentioning that we have gotten these features working on the very units that Apple claimed hardware limitation on. The answer to that was that Apple's quality control is much more strict than any end user's would be and therefore it just didn't pass their quality control. In other words, while the hardware CAN support it, Apple didn't feel it was good enough.

Why am I saying all this? Just to point out that one can talk himself into believing just about anything. I prefer not to believe without some sort of evidence, and from where I sit, the evidence is not in Apple's favor. I am certainly not just going to take a company's word for it. "Because we said so" just doesn't cut it for me.
Seems like Apple defenders dont want to comment on iOS fragmentation... Why would that be?

Guess the truth hurts :D:D
If it’s good enough for Chris Gordon its good enough for me. ;)

The s3 is a good phone although I think the screen is a bit disappointing. After using the iPhone and trying out the One X the S3 screen is a step down in my opinion. If the S3 had the same screen as the One X I would probably have one right now. I must admit the Red S3 is tempting but I will wait to see what the iPhone 5 looks like. I don't get what the argument is when all this stuff comes down to personal preference.

What didn't you like about your One X, how did it compare to the S3?

I went from a One X to a One S on my second line, still prefer my iPhone. Thinking of trying an S3 but wonder if it will impress me more than the One X and One S have?
Something that has made my life a lot easier the last day or so, and it's not specific to the S3, but an incredible piece of software... TASKER.

It can automate practically everything.

I've set up these profiles:

1. Monday - Friday, 10pm - 7am - silent mode on. (loud outside of these times)
2. Saturday - Sunday, 12am - 10am - silent mode on. (loud outside of these times)
3. Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5pm - silent mode on. (loud outside of these times)
4. When I arrive at home, turn WiFi on. When I leave home, turn WiFi off.
5. When I connect to bluetooth in car, disable screenlock, turn all volumes up to max, then start Spotify.
6. When I connect to bluetooth speaker at home, start Spotify.
7. When I plug headphones in, start Spotify.
8. When I press and hold the play button on my headphones, if I'm not in the Spotify or default music player apps, it loads S Voice for me and I can then speak into the mic. (some would argue this should have been built in, but never mind :p)
9. When I shake the phone and the screen is on, it loads S Voice. I anticipate this might cause problems when I'm navigating in my car.. if so I'll disable this one. Edit: nevermind, just added a "not Navigation" clause.

Love it :D
What didn't you like about your One X, how did it compare to the S3?

I went from a One X to a One S on my second line, still prefer my iPhone. Thinking of trying an S3 but wonder if it will impress me more than the One X and One S have?

The one thing I hated about the One X is that the home button didn't turn the screen on. I have gotten so used to hitting the home button that I did that every time I picked up the phone and nothing happended. You have to reach up to the top of the phone and hit the power button. I like that the s3 has a home button that turns the screen on. I loved the screen on the One X but I felt the iPhone had better depth when looking at pictures so despite the great screen on the One X it still felt like a step backwards. I also didn't like the default email app on the One X but I didn't get a chance to check out any other ones. I don't think the S3 screen is as good as the One X or the iPhone and that is one reason I haven't gotten one. I also like the idea of iMessages coming to my iPhone and iPad so I am waiting to see what the iPhone 5 has. I only spent about 15 minutes with the S3 so I can't say if it's better than the One X or not. I think it would be for me but everybody is different so you will just have to try it out.
Updated today to firmware LFB and now I'm a little bit happier. Apps load faster and the brightness seems to be better. Also Wi-Fi performance is better and calls are lower with the new extra sound trick. Also the power button is faster (finally!!). There's also a new camera firmware to improve quality and has new filters.

Overall it's a great update. This makes me want even more the JB update, which I hope will make the phone even faster with project butter. Also can't wait for the new Google search voice.

In a few months this phone is gonna be so so much better. With JB it's gonna be a beast.

And I haven't rooted yet.
Updated today to firmware LFB and now I'm a little bit happier. Apps load faster and the brightness seems to be better. Also Wi-Fi performance is better and calls are lower with the new extra sound trick. Also the power button is faster (finally!!). There's also a new camera firmware to improve quality and has new filters.

Overall it's a great update. This makes me want even more the JB update, which I hope will make the phone even faster with project butter. Also can't wait for the new Google search voice.

In a few months this phone is gonna be so so much better. With JB it's gonna be a beast.

And I haven't rooted yet.

Rumor today from TMonews says JB could be coming to the GS3 as soon as next month. I would welcome it but doubt it is that soon. Samsung is also testing it to work on the GS2.

Here is a Link to the rumor
Rumor today from TMonews says JB could be coming to the GS3 as soon as next month. I would welcome it but doubt it is that soon. Samsung is also testing it to work on the GS2.

Here is a Link to the rumor

If it is anything like the ICS update for the S2, I won't be downloading it until a quality stable version comes out. I refuse to deal with a crap update again.
JB 4.1.1 is the last JB update. Dont know why we wouldnt be getting that.

Not saying we won't be getting it, I'm just gonna wait until others download it and give it a thumbs up. When the ICS update was released via Kies from Samsung for the S2 Skyrocket on att, everyone jumped on it. Then we came to realize it was a messed up update. I actually reverted my wife's S2 back to 2.3.5
Not saying we won't be getting it, I'm just gonna wait until others download it and give it a thumbs up. When the ICS update was released via Kies from Samsung for the S2 Skyrocket on att, everyone jumped on it. Then we came to realize it was a messed up update. I actually reverted my wife's S2 back to 2.3.5

Yeah I heard that. Thankfully we can downgrade to any firmware we want. Same thing happened to the 3GS with iOS 4 or 5, don't remember. Apple had to release a new update to improve speed and all.

I also don't expect the JB update until September or October. Don't trust Samsung at all, but I think they will want to release before the new iPhone comes out to attract more sales.

IOS 6 was announced before JB and still it's probable that it will come after we get JB so I'm not that worry. IOS takes 4 months to be out.

I've also just noticed that the gallery is way faster. Before the biggest folder I have used to reload every time and now it's fully loaded always. No need to reload every picture again and again (it was fast but still...). Now gallery is like 2x faster. Extremely happy with this.
I might as well ask this in here, about Google Voice Search.

I've read articles and seen a few videos posted on Youtube about Voice Search, and most examples seem to be about just searching stuff, like "how tall is George Bush" or "what is 50 miles in kilometers?" etc.

I haven't seen or read anything about stuff like updating Facebook or Twitter, is it possible? What about read or compose new text messages, is that possible? Adding a memo? Book, move or delete meetings, and even look up existing meetings? Is it possible to use different search engines apart from Google, i.e. Wikipedia, Yahoo etc? Look up specific videos on Youtube?

The search function seem to work very well and is extremely fast, it will be interesting to see if Siri will speed up when the new iPhone comes out.

Can anyone who have tried Voice Search answer this?

For Facebook you just say Facebook update and then say what you want to say. It's the same with Twitter. Then if it's correct say update again.

I want to post a little review of my take on the Samsung Galaxy SIII
I have been using the iPhone 4S (jailbroken) since it came out in Hong Kong, and I decided to switch over because of the iPhone 5 rumors (I don't really just want a taller screen), and a not-so-exciting iOS 6 OS.
I'll make this as unbiased as possible.


The S3 does look a bit plastic, but I feel like the thin and lightness makes up of it. The 4S does have an edge on the "design" here, because it just feels solid, and good to hold. Not too heavy, not too light. Both got their pros and cons.

Screen color:

This is what set the difference. The color in iPhone 4S looks more saturated than the S3. The S3 has very bright colors, probably due to the SuperAMOLED. I have compared both phones with a picture of Barack Obama, and (not being racists here), his dark skin color appears to be so different from both phones.
I would say the iPhone 4S is more "natural" in viewing photos, while S3 shows more vibrant colors. I prefer the 4S here.

Screen Size:

But taken the screen size into comparison, S3 wins hands down. I feel so comfortable viewing everything with a bigger screen.
Viewing website.... watching videos... feels nicer on the S3 than the 4S.

One thing to notice though, I have both IGN apps on both phones, and the Retina display kicks in better when I watch "The Daily Fix".... it seems sharper and clearer.
But I find it more enjoyable to watch/read stuff on the S3 than the 4S. S3 wins here.

Homescreen UI

We are now talking about the OS.
Android's UI wins hands down. It is more customize-able, more options, more features, more stuff you can put on in all "home screens".
You can make it simple with just icons/folders, or messy with widgets, icons and folders.
Customization (freedom to do that) is the key.
iOS's Homescreen is too simple. Too "the same since 2007"....
Granted, I did jailbreak the iPhone, but it's hard for me to find the customize still. I have to download Winterboard, find the appropriate themes etc... it was a hassle, coz my phone always hangs with "mobile substrate" errors. (I think that's what it is called)
I like Android for this here.

Camera and editing

I think the iPhone 4S takes better photos (clearer and more details), maybe due to the optics.
But on the other hand, the S3 takes better videos.
Both got good editing features, but S3's stock camera app wins hands down.
Granted, I have some nice 4S camera apps that can edit photo nicely too..... kinda a draw to me.


This is when I think iOS's keyboard is a lot better. yes there is Swiftkey 3, but it doesnt have Chinese input yet, so I'm stuck with the Samsung Chinese IME input, which sucks.
I like iOS's cut/copy/paste much better than Android's as well.
This is the feature I miss the most for iOS.


No comment here because the apps I have in iOS, is basically the same as the Android version....
In my opinion though, iOS's whatsapp does looks nicer. But that's just ONE app. A draw to me.


I jailbroken my 4S to make it feel like the Android's. That means, I think Android's notification center/bar wins the iOS's original one.

What else?
Battery life, still testing. Seems the same to me between 4S and S3...
Siri > S voice. I disabled S voice lol.
I like the ability to back up my stuff to a microSD card too.....
Google Maps > iOS 6 maps though...... I cannot live without streetview.


In the end, I think both OS has its merits and shortcomings.
I miss the iOS dearly, and I can switch back anytime..... but for now, I will stick with Android because of the better MAPS and SCREEN SIZE... that is the reason why I switched anyways.

Before you guys bash me, it's just my opinion. I think both systems are great, but again, just my "need" is different, and S3 is the phone that suits my need for the moment.

Sold my 4S this morning and got the S3.

Happy with it so far.
And that is that. Selling the GS3 to go back to the iPhone.

Huge screen, LED indicator, SD card slot, widgets... they're all great. But it doesn't come close to the polish and ease of use of iOS.

And this 6'4 guy can't stand the width of the S3. Combination of just too long and too wide. One handed operation for doing anything, such as launching an app on the homescreen, is difficult.
And that is that. Selling the GS3 to go back to the iPhone.

Huge screen, LED indicator, SD card slot, widgets... they're all great. But it doesn't come close to the polish and ease of use of iOS.

And this 6'4 guy can't stand the width of the S3. Combination of just too long and too wide. One handed operation for doing anything, such as launching an app on the homescreen, is difficult.

How small are your hands? ._.
Can anyone who have tried Voice Search answer this?


No, I don't believe Google Now / Voice search updates statuses, unless you have a GS3 and use S-Voice. It can do things like makes notes and calendar appoints, but I don't think it can move them or check what appointments you have for the day.


How small are your hands? ._.

Unfortunately not everyone has large hands. It was his decision you get rid of the device so there's no need to troll people because of a choice they made.
Personally I have found that it really doesn't matter how big your hands are if you know the right technique how to hold the phone. It took me few months to adjust from going Galaxy S1 to S2 due to the 0.3" larger screen. At first I really couldn't use it with only one hand, but then I started holding the phone in a different way (I just moved my right hand's little finger from the side to underneath the phone to support it) and all the sudden I could text with one hand with no problems at all. To me this kind of typing position really doesn't feel like I'm stretching my thumb into an unnatural positions, but I guess it might not apply to everyone.
Still rocking my S3, my 4s still stored... When i bought it to see what was all the fuzz about i thought i was gonna switch back to my 4s. I was wrong, it keeps amazing me. About the holding issue, it was weird the first week now it feels just like my 4s. The 4s screen seems too small for me now. Like when you get used to a 42" HD tv and start watching movies in a smaller screen like a monitor, is just wrong.
Still rocking my S3, my 4s still stored... When i bought it to see what was all the fuzz about i thought i was gonna switch back to my 4s. I was wrong, it keeps amazing me. About the holding issue, it was weird the first week now it feels just like my 4s. The 4s screen seems too small for me now. Like when you get used to a 42" HD tv and start watching movies in a smaller screen like a monitor, is just wrong.

As long as you don't get a case for the phone it feels pretty good in the hand. Once you get a case, even if it's the Seidio Surface Case (the thin one) it's pretty hard to use with one hand.
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