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macrumors regular
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Sep 10, 2014
The touch screen on my iPhone 6 Plus randomly becomes unresponsive. The home button and all the other buttons work, just not the touch screen. Its happened about 10 times already. It either gets stuck for 10-20 seconds or does not respond until I turn it off and on. Even after shutting it down and turning it back on it still occurs randomly. I've tried restoring it and it still happens.

It's a 128GB iPhone 6 Plus AT&T.
i have that same model and it seemed to lag last night when trying to unlock... used touch ID to unlock then i couldnt do anything. it'd let me lock the phone and unlock (using power button and touch id) but not the screen at all...

it stayed that way for probably a minute, and hasn't done it since then
You're not alone. I have a 128GB iPhone 6+ on Verizon. Couldn't scroll through pages, home button didn't work, only thing that worked was the power button.
happened to me this morning on pages, it was quite weird and not what you want happening while your showing it off haha!
iPhone 6 Touch Screen Completely Unresponsive

iPhone 6, 64gb AT&T...was having problems with touch response initially. Now screen has gone completely unresponsive. Did a hard reset, and a restore. Neither resolved the problem.
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It could be a software bug that'll be fixed quickly, but since you still have warranty it might not hurt to see what apple says if you have an apple store nearby. Also I'm not sure if it could break something that would cause the screen to go unresponsive, but do any of you have the issues with the phone bending showing up?
iPhone 6 Touch Screen Completely Unresponsive

It could be a software bug that'll be fixed quickly, but since you still have warranty it might not hurt to see what apple says if you have an apple store nearby. Also I'm not sure if it could break something that would cause the screen to go unresponsive, but do any of you have the issues with the phone bending showing up?

Phone is in mint condition...bringing to Apple store tomorrow but doubt they will have inventory. So now I'm without a phone for how long?
Phone is in mint condition...bringing to Apple store tomorrow but doubt they will have inventory. So now I'm without a phone for how long?

I wouldn't be surprised if they have some saved for the purpose of warranty exchanges, so you might be in luck.
This is really starting to annoy me, and it's a bit of a drive to the apple store in my area(Los Gatos). Does anyone have any more information about Apple's response to this situation?
Sorry about not posting an update. I took it in to my Apple Store on the day I started this thread. They tried to restore it in DFU mode but after about 5 minutes the screen became unresponsive again. They exchanged my phone with a brand new one. Yes, the keep inventory on the side for people who need to exchange due to defects.
Yep.. They also exchanged mine today due to my pages not rotating all the time.. My home page rotated this morning and was stuck that way until I reset my phone.. But my screen was also unresponsive at times
I thought it was just me. I notice brief periods of unresponsive touch. I thought my hand was somehow on the screen somewhere else. I think it's just a software bug. But mine only lasts for like a second.
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It could be a software bug that'll be fixed quickly, but since you still have warranty it might not hurt to see what apple says if you have an apple store nearby. Also I'm not sure if it could break something that would cause the screen to go unresponsive, but do any of you have the issues with the phone bending showing up?

My phone isn't bent at all. I have it in a otter box commuter but it did the same thing outside of the box as well. Its intermittent though and only happens with a few apps.
My wife's 16GB iPhone 6 - ATT started doing the same thing 2 days ago. Her screen works and suddenly doesn't work. Went back to Best Buy and unfortunately they didn't have inventory, but I'm on the list for a brand new one since it's still in the first 2week period.
Interesting tho that i called apple did all the troubleshooting stuff they usually ask to perform and the guy said that there is two option:
1, send the phone in for service (my wife would stuck without a phone) and they would either fix it or send me back a refurbished one. Not a brand new one!!
2, Express service for $30 they send me a phone that i could keep until they fix or send a refurbish one.
So I pay full price for the phone and it's still under warranty and it's their fault pretty much and they want me to send a refurbished phone not a brand new one. That's a shame on apple! Unfortunately the closest apple store is 3hours away from me. So i'm hoping that Best Buy will call soon.
I'm having the same issues here on a 128G 6+ on T-Mobile. When I took it to a Genius Bar (I still cringe when I have to say that) I was told that their diagnostics indicated that my screen freezes were apps hanging up for a bit. Genius guy said it was probably due to my having restored from my old phone's backup. A clean install has helped a lot with the freezing but I still regularly need to jog the phone back and forth between portrait and landscape to get the screen to reorient itself. Also the 8.0.2 update happened about the same time as the restore as new phone and that could be part of the improvements as well.
Had the same problem as Anti.Hero and took it to my local Apple store today. Swapped it no questions asked and they didn't even want to see the problem replicated!

Anti, do you ride a Pani?
I'm having similar problems with unresponsive touch - 6+ 128. I'll need to keep track of the apps it's happening on. But it's also happening on my iPad air.

Just now, even a different touch prob on my 6+. I touched on an email msg to display and got the msg ahead of it. I touched one below and got the one I wanted - the msg above. I did change the display to show 3 or 4 lines a while ago.
Hey Ish,

My 128GB 6+ was intermittently unresponsive on different apps, web pages and even iOS apps such as widgets, camera and multitasking.

So far so good on the replacement phone.
this is an iOS8 issue. I'm experiencing this on my 6+ and 5S. Never had this issue on iOS7 with 5S. Appears to be landscape games that cause it most. I can rotate mine back to portrait, wait a second, and rotate back to landscape and the screen works again.
Hey Ish,

My 128GB 6+ was intermittently unresponsive on different apps, web pages and even iOS apps such as widgets, camera and multitasking.

So far so good on the replacement phone.

I've got 128GB 6 and I'm experiencing exactly the same problems as you.

Just out of curiosity, did you experience any problems such scrolling down a page/app/menu and then finding that when you try to tap a link/button it doesn't accept the first time but second tap. Very randomly though?
Had this problem with one of my phones and called apple and got the below and it worked for me. They stated it has been a little problem for them but the below has fixed everyone that it happened to.

Bakup phone to iTunes
reset everything so you are looking at starting as new
start up and enter icould ID and password
Then plug in back to iTunes and on iTunes restore from backup. Don't do it through the cloud or even click on the phone restore from iTunes. Once plugged in do the restore from iTunes option in iTunes. After that it worked.
Had this problem with one of my phones and called apple and got the below and it worked for me. They stated it has been a little problem for them but the below has fixed everyone that it happened to.

Bakup phone to iTunes
reset everything so you are looking at starting as new
start up and enter icould ID and password
Then plug in back to iTunes and on iTunes restore from backup. Don't do it through the cloud or even click on the phone restore from iTunes. Once plugged in do the restore from iTunes option in iTunes. After that it worked.

jut off the phone with a rep who told me the same thing. we'll see how it goes.

only thing is it was only specific parts of my screen that wouldn't respond randomly. were you all saying your entire screen wouldn't respond sometimes?
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