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jut off the phone with a rep who told me the same thing. we'll see how it goes.

only thing is it was only specific parts of my screen that wouldn't respond randomly. were you all saying your entire screen wouldn't respond sometimes?

It was the whole left side of the screen that would work and then stop working. Then sometimes it would be random areas. Its been about a week now since I tried it and it has bee good since. Hope it works out for you.
This has been happening on my 6+ as well. I've narrowed it down to when I hold the phone in landscape and have my finger covering the proximity sensor. I can move my finger on and off the sensor and the touchscreen will stop working when it is covered and work when its not. The phone sometimes unlocks with the homescreen upside down and won't flip until it is locked and unlocked again but I think that is a separate issue.
Can someone elaborate a little more on this restore process that has been working? From what I've read, back up in iTunes, Erase All Content and Settings (on the iPhone), setup as a new phone completely, once completed plug into iTunes and restore at the iTunes start screen.

Or do we setup as new iPhone in iTunes then perform restore using the "Restore iPhone" button next to check for update?
Can someone elaborate a little more on this restore process that has been working? From what I've read, back up in iTunes, Erase All Content and Settings (on the iPhone), setup as a new phone completely, once completed plug into iTunes and restore at the iTunes start screen.

Or do we setup as new iPhone in iTunes then perform restore using the "Restore iPhone" button next to check for update?

Start it as a new phone with your icloud account, then once done with that, plug into ITunes and hit the restore from backup that's in ITunes.
Good heavens I'm so glad this thread exists. This problem has been driving me mad for the past 2-3 weeks. My screen also becomes unresponsive, but it seems to be isolated to certain parts of the screen - and i can *usually* fix it by changing my phone orientation from landscape to portrait and vice versa.

Sometimes it just becomes completely unresponsive in one orientation and I have to switch for my touch screen to keep working. What in heaven's name is happening!?! :mad:
On my 6+ 128g ATT the top left corner will not respond to touching it. Also on the home screen when I go it to landscape it won't flip back. I have to lock it the unlock it. It does not do it all the time. I think it's about 10-15 times a day.
Proximity Seonsor problem

This has been happening on my 6+ as well. I've narrowed it down to when I hold the phone in landscape and have my finger covering the proximity sensor. I can move my finger on and off the sensor and the touchscreen will stop working when it is covered and work when its not. The phone sometimes unlocks with the homescreen upside down and won't flip until it is locked and unlocked again but I think that is a separate issue.

This is exactly what is causing my screen scroll problem. As I am in landscape mode and roll my finger over the sensor my other hand is unable to scroll. I'm guessing a software issue, but my Personel work around is to rotate the other direction and have the sensor on the right side where I seem to be less likely to block the sensor.

Thanks for trouble shooting to that conclusion elipem01.
Screen Freezes and notifications lag

So I have the 6+ 128gb Verizon; mine freezes up randomly; in some apps it's just the touch that is unresponsive so if I scroll a bit it works just fine; I think it's a part of the screen that's being unresponsive maybe? But it's only in SOME apps, maybe not being scaled for the 6+ but I think I was reading some people having the same issue with the 6? ... who knows......maybe I'll stop in my local apple store tonight and see if they can take a look. My other issue and let me know if ANYONE else is having this problem...

I get notifications that hang at the top of my screen; I can't swipe them up I have to press the home button for them to go away, which doesn't take me out of my current app it just pushes the notification away. ??? Anyone else having that issue? I had that problem on my 5s too.... I think it's iOS 8 related.


On my 6+ 128g ATT the top left corner will not respond to touching it. Also on the home screen when I go it to landscape it won't flip back. I have to lock it the unlock it. It does not do it all the time. I think it's about 10-15 times a day.

That's where my problem is!
iPhone has a mind of it's own.

I'm reaching out to forums to see if others are experiencing the same problems as I am with iPhone 6 on 8.0.2. With my original iPhone 6 (before I had it swapped out) I was experiencing touchscreen problems such as 1) When writing an email and backspacing (x on bottom), the phone sent the email when my finger was nowhere near the send (on top right corner) button; 2) During a text message, the keyboard would press random letters without my finger being near those letters; 3) When trying to open mail which would be located on the bottom of the screen, it would open another app located on top of screen 4) When surfing the web, links/pages would open by itself without my finger on the screen or barely touching; and MANY other touchscreen problems!

I had my iPhone 6 swapped out to a NEW iPhone 6 from Apple and I'm still experiencing the same problem. I paid so much money for a phone with a software that isn't working properly. I've been told by the reps at the Genius bar to wait for the iOS 8.1 to fix the bugs, but that update may not even fix the problems! Apple released 8.0.2 to fix bugs seen with iOS 8.0 but I've just been having worse problems.

I've restored and have set as new 3 times and still having the problem. Now frustrated and don't know what else to do. I've had iPhones since the 1st gen and have gone through many iOS updates but I've never experienced problems like mentioned above. EVER!

Way to go Apple! How can Apple be sure the next update won't make my phone worse?
Sometimes, when typing in Safari on my iPhone 6 the entire app freezes. I have to force quit it with the home button because nothing response. Annoying.
I have a SG 128gb iPhone 6 and the edges of the screen are pretty much unresponsive, tried all the reset/erase and hasn't helped. For example if I go into calculator. 1,4,7, C wont register from the left side of the screen (vertical) until my thumb or finger reaches the tip of the number. It's a bit weird because I'm able to paint my screen all blue for example with a simple drawing app.
Was wondering if someone with a working iphone 6 could record how their Q/P, Capital/Backspace and the number 1,4,7,C along with the mathematical formulas works. By pressing them from the edge of the screen? I went to the apple store today and the guy refused to give me an exchange because he said it was working fine when it clearly isn't...
The touch screen on my iPhone 6 Plus randomly becomes unresponsive. The home button and all the other buttons work, just not the touch screen. Its happened about 10 times already. It either gets stuck for 10-20 seconds or does not respond until I turn it off and on. Even after shutting it down and turning it back on it still occurs randomly. I've tried restoring it and it still happens.

It's a 128GB iPhone 6 Plus AT&T.

Mine has been doing the exact same. It's a 64gb 6+. just happens out of nowhere and is intermittent. If u hear of a fix let me know. I've tried the restore and it didn't help mine.
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On my 128GB 6+ what happens several times a day is that I wake up the phone and cannot swipe from the bottom to get the camera app or the control center to come up. I can still swipe left-right, just not up from the bottom. Unlocking it via TouchID and putting it back to sleep makes it work again, until the next random occurrence. I expect it's a software bug and not a faulty touchscreen, though.
I have a 128GB 6 plus as well and for the last couple of days been having the same issue.

Apple sending me a replacement. Just called them up and they are sending a replacement. Not without a bit of pushing though. They initially wanted to charge me a 30GBP fee!! I don't live near an Apple store.

Annoying but good its getting sorted
Same Problem here...

6+ 128gb ATT... Happens multiple times daily with various apps. Very annoying!:confused:
I'm having the same problem on my iPhone 5. All of a sudden, no matter what I'm doing the touch screen wont accept any input. I have to put it to sleep and reopen the app to get it to work. It doesnt happen all that often, but it's happened ever since I updated to iOS 8... :confused:

EDIT: I just spoke to an Apple Support Rep and if nothings working/you think its just a software bug of iOS 8 you can submit a bug report here
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just received my new OEM iPhone 6 plus by courier here in the UK for the unresponsive screen. Bug or whatever it is.
1 day into my replacement phone and screen still freezing. now more. Happened twice today and had to restart my phone. FFS apple. wtf is going on arrrrgh.

And today the volume started turning itself down continuously and would not let me turn it up. needed a restart.

GRRRRRRRRRR :mad::mad::mad:
I've had this happened with both my iphone 6 and the 6+. I'm hoping it's software related. But when it happened, I could not scroll up or down. The phone only responded to the home or power buttons. There was even a few instances where the whole picture drops to the middle of the screen within an app and the top half screen went blank, I could only use the app at the lower half of the screen.
for my case I'm pretty sure its a software bug, as it only happens rarely and when it does happen its due to me covering up the proximity sensor with my hand, as soon i lift my hand from over the proximity sensor it works again and it stops working when i put it back over it. For me its just fixed by quitting out of the app and going to portrait mode.
Same issue. 128gb 6+. Odd there's a lot of 128gb +'s in here.

Google, YouTube, djay2, Abercrombie app.

Certain areas - search boxes, drop downs.. Djay2 the load track / levels / crossfader were disabled until I flipped to portrait and back to landscape. Annoying..
So I have the 6+ 128gb Verizon; mine freezes up randomly; in some apps it's just the touch that is unresponsive so if I scroll a bit it works just fine; I think it's a part of the screen that's being unresponsive maybe? But it's only in SOME apps, maybe not being scaled for the 6+ but I think I was reading some people having the same issue with the 6? ... who knows......maybe I'll stop in my local apple store tonight and see if they can take a look. My other issue and let me know if ANYONE else is having this problem...

I get notifications that hang at the top of my screen; I can't swipe them up I have to press the home button for them to go away, which doesn't take me out of my current app it just pushes the notification away. ??? Anyone else having that issue? I had that problem on my 5s too.... I think it's iOS 8 related.

64GB iPhone 6 Plus here, and I too have experienced the random touchscreen unresponsiveness which I think has something to do with scaling / app optimization.

  • In the YouTube app, for example, it would be almost impossible to scroll through different parts of the video using the slider, especially in landscape mode. After a recent update that optimized the app for the 6 Plus, the issue has been fixed.
  • Snapseed had an unresponsive lower tray when trying to scroll horizontally to access more filters. After a recent update that specifically called out the unresponsiveness, the issue has been fixed.
  • Instagram, however, which HAS been updated for the 6 Plus still has a hard time registering touches when tapping on clickable items.

Lastly, I've also experienced the weird notifications that hang sometimes. Not sure what that's about.
Had this problem with one of my phones and called apple and got the below and it worked for me. They stated it has been a little problem for them but the below has fixed everyone that it happened to.

Bakup phone to iTunes
reset everything so you are looking at starting as new
start up and enter icould ID and password
Then plug in back to iTunes and on iTunes restore from backup. Don't do it through the cloud or even click on the phone restore from iTunes. Once plugged in do the restore from iTunes option in iTunes. After that it worked.

Tried this, but still no luck..

Adding to the problem being discussed in this thread, my iPhone has another issue:
- Involuntarily selecting / clicking anything on the screen.
When I unlock my phone, this problem would automatically click anywhere on the screen.
More details on another thread: Thread for Involuntary clicking problem on iphone 6 Plus

Iphone 6+ 128 GB The touch screen on my iPhone 6 Plus randomly becomes unresponsive as well. Trying to take a quick camera shot and the phone is unresponsive. Apple you can have the best camera who cares if I cannot open it and take shots...update iOS 8.1 does not help.
Whatsapp suddenly cannot download photos from iphone even privacy/photos has been switched on. Restart also does not help. Nothing to with the touch screen but had to mentioned it...
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