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Proximity sensor

This has been happening on my 6+ as well. I've narrowed it down to when I hold the phone in landscape and have my finger covering the proximity sensor. I can move my finger on and off the sensor and the touchscreen will stop working when it is covered and work when its not.

I was having issues with intermittent screen unresponsiveness, and now after reading this, I can say I have this exact same problem (thanx elipem01!). I haven't been able to figure out what causes it to start behaving this way, though.

Anybody know if it's still happening in iOS 8.1? (Hoping this is a software and not a hardware issue).
I have 8.1, iPhone 6 64G with Verizon and my screen became unresponsive for the first time today. However, the power button is also not responding so I cannot reset. Do I just wait for the battery charge to expire, plug in and cross my fingers?
I've been a fanboy for quite a long time now. This is the first time Apple really disappoints me. The first iPhone6 I got had the speaker/microphone issue (see other threads). The new now is as responsive as %$#^.....

I tried all your options...resetting all settings, setting it up as a new phone...etc...nothing works. Even worse, I even have a slightly yellowish hals screen.....Seems like the first batches are totally ^%&$ up . This is a 900 euro phone....there is no excuse for this kind of mess.
By the way...I'm now on 8.1 ant still unresponsiveness in all it's glory...rrrrrrr....

I'll be having an appointment to a "#genius" bar on Tuesday....I hope they have a new one in stock...otherwise I'm considering to take my money back....
Unresponsive iPad Air 2 screen

My Air 2 became unresponsive today. Imposable to type anything without errors. Sometimes failed to select icon/buttons etc.
I found this thread and tried rotating the screen from landscape to portrait mode.
Screen works OK again . Even light touch works.
I suspect this is a bug in iOS 8.1 screen orientation.
Try rotating your device.
My Air 2 became unresponsive today. Imposable to type anything without errors. Sometimes failed to select icon/buttons etc.
I found this thread and tried rotating the screen from landscape to portrait mode.
Screen works OK again . Even light touch works.
I suspect this is a bug in iOS 8.1 screen orientation.
Try rotating your device. succes...the quality is bellow any standaard...:mad::mad::mad:
iPhone 6 Plus Screen Freezes

I have (had) this problem as well.

My phone is 6 Plus 64 Gb.

I think I've solved it by turning OFF location services in Settings/Privacy/Location Services.

When I get enough time, I'll turn it back on and then deny location services to individual apps to try and identify the culprit.

Main suspect so far is Goggle Maps.
In the last week, my touchscreen went from being unresponsive to the exact opposite. It was so hyperactive it was inserting random letters into any typing I was doing and opening up apps and running them all by itself.

I honestly thought there was some horrendous virus or malware on my phone as it looked to all intents and purposes as if someone else was controlling it remotely.

I contacted Apple and had a 'chat' online. The guy told me it looked like a faulty screen and it would need replacing.

He made me an appointment at my local Apple Store in Sheffield, UK.

I took my phone into the store (Genius Bar) at the appointed time, they kept it for two hours. When I collected it, they had changed the screen free of charge as it was still under warranty.

It has worked fine ever since.
iPhone 6+ 64GB on Verizon with the same problem. Any updates from those that went to a U.S. Apple store?

I'd rather not go through the hassle of restoring, especially after reading quite a few posts about it not working anyway.
I have had the exact same problem with my iPhone 6 plus. The screen would become unresponsive after unlocking, sometimes for several minutes. Restoring did absolutely nothing for me. If anything, it made it worse. I deleted Google maps and google earth and I have not had one more single issue. Hope this helps some of you.
Never mind my last post. Same problem started happening again today and a restore from iTunes didn't help. Turning off location service all together seems to have solved the problem though.
I joined this so I could share what happened with my iphone 6 plus and what I did to fix it.

The touch screen would not respond to anything: power off, passcode, nothing. Like I wasn't touching it. The power off thing where you hit the power button and home button didn't make it snap out of it's inability to acknowledge my finger.

So put my phone in the freezer for 20 minutes and now it works. I don't know how long it will work but for now I have a normal phone. I'm still going to grin and bare going to the Apple Store so they can check out this phone (also had trouble with losing sounds, notifications being silenced, all alerts silent).

Just want to share with you.
Sorry for the bump, but my phone seems to be doing this recently.

Is a screen/device replacement the only fix? I'm already on my third 6 Plus due to accelerometer and ring/silent switch issues, and this one works fine apart from the screen occasionally completely locking up so I'm keeping everything crossed it's a software bug.

Not looking likely though - I did a restore from backup the other week and it's still happening. I would do a completely fresh restore but I can't face the prospect of losing everything.
Sorry about not posting an update. I took it in to my Apple Store on the day I started this thread. They tried to restore it in DFU mode but after about 5 minutes the screen became unresponsive again. They exchanged my phone with a brand new one. Yes, the keep inventory on the side for people who need to exchange due to defects.

For those who missed it: if your iPhone 6 Plus is exhibiting similar faults, take it in! - the OP did and had theirs exchanged.
I had the same problem with my iPhone 6 Plus 128GB AT&T & I just updated to the lastest software ios 8.4 and it has stopped not responding to my touch and the screen has stopped flickering. I hope this keeps the problem fixed.
Att 6+. 64gb. Just had same issue for like a good week. Just got my replacement from Apple and it's happening on this phone too.
iPhone 6 Plus Screen Freezes

I have (had) this problem as well.

My phone is 6 Plus 64 Gb.

I think I've solved it by turning OFF location services in Settings/Privacy/Location Services.

When I get enough time, I'll turn it back on and then deny location services to individual apps to try and identify the culprit.

Main suspect so far is Goggle Maps.

Confirmed that turning off location services solves issue.

I've had the same issue--- intermittent unresponsive touch screen and sometimes false touch/random selection of things on screen. Happens ALL the time and was incredibly frustrated

Apple techs had no idea what was going on--- clear they were guessing

I initially thought it was a hardware issue (shaking sometimes resolved it). I switched the phone out at Apple Store (which involved restoring from backup) and upon inserting my old SIM card into new phone (at Apple Store) issue returned.

So I returned to switch out sim. Issue still going on.

Did 3 hard wipes of phone. Restored from cloud and ITunes. Issue persisted.

Today, turned off location services and no issue. No idea which app but a great relief.
this is an iOS8 issue. I'm experiencing this on my 6+ and 5S. Never had this issue on iOS7 with 5S. Appears to be landscape games that cause it most. I can rotate mine back to portrait, wait a second, and rotate back to landscape and the screen works again.

No. I'm running 9.0.1 and I'm having the same problem. 2 weeks ago I noticed the same problem. I sent my phone in. It had the tiniest of cracks. So what do they do? Charge me 129 dollars for a screen replacement. Which I knew wouldn't fix it. And low and behold last night. Started becoming unresponsive again. I noticed if I give it a little bit of a twist it will start working again. But for now it has stopped.
The touch screen on my iPhone 6 Plus randomly becomes unresponsive. The home button and all the other buttons work, just not the touch screen. Its happened about 10 times already. It either gets stuck for 10-20 seconds or does not respond until I turn it off and on. Even after shutting it down and turning it back on it still occurs randomly. I've tried restoring it and it still happens.

It's a 128GB iPhone 6 Plus AT&T.

Hello friend.

I had the same problem with my iPhone 6 last week. I searched the web and I fixed the problem by restoring the device via iTunes and set it as new after the restore was complete.

I recommend you to backup/restore via iCloud.

Hi, i have the same problem, in my case..the color of my screen has faded . its not vibrant like before and its randomly unreaponsive even though i reboot by holding power and hime butoon the same time.

please help.
Hi, i have the same problem, in my case..the color of my screen has faded . its not vibrant like before and its randomly unreaponsive even though i reboot by holding power and hime butoon the same time.

please help.
iPhone 6 Plus Screen Freezes

I have (had) this problem as well.

My phone is 6 Plus 64 Gb.

I think I've solved it by turning OFF location services in Settings/Privacy/Location Services.

When I get enough time, I'll turn it back on and then deny location services to individual apps to try and identify the culprit.

Main suspect so far is Goggle Maps.

I've now been having this issue, and it first happened with Facebook, Instagram and several other apps that involved location were running. I disabled a few to test it out will report back if it freezes and I'll see if anything is open that uses location services.
When the phone rings (if vibration is on does anyone feel a knock)???
Each ring each vibration I feel KNOCK vibrate KNOCK (feeling it harder) it's great being hearing impaired lol BUT is it normal?
Dude! that ****'s happening to my phone right now!. when someone calls me I can't answer it cause I can't touch the screen. And sometimes it even touches itself. So just a tip here just to help you a bit dont shake the phone cause if you do you'll lose the control of touches. :) hate when ***** happens
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