Is it normal for the order status page to still be saying processing? I'm kinda freaking out since I got lucky and got a September 16 delivery date.
Don't sweat it. The last few years mine said processing until about the day before it arrived.
Is it normal for the order status page to still be saying processing? I'm kinda freaking out since I got lucky and got a September 16 delivery date.
My iPhone 7 jet black 128 GB not showing in my support profile preparing for shipment Friday deliveryMy 7 Plus is now showing up in my Support Profile.....niceeeeee
I'm concerned that my card might be flagged for this purchase, how will I know if there's an issue??
What's the W numbers for the people who have it shown up in their profiles?
Question for anyone who done so: if you pre-ordered multiple iPhone 7+'s with AT&T or T-Mobile account verification, did the Apple store let you pre-order/reserve pickup for more than one iPhone for the same account phone line?
I went through pre-ordering with my parents' Verizon wireless account, and Apple only let me preorder 1 iPhone per phone line. If I had used my AT&T grandfathered family plan, then I suspect that I could've reserved/preordered 2 iPhones like I wanted using the same phone line.
iPhone 7+ 256GB Black AT&at ordered at 645am eastern. (I over slept ) Delivery date 10/4-10/10. Anyone with October delievery date seen any movement??
I'm concerned that my card might be flagged for this purchase, how will I know if there's an issue??
You know you are a paranoid and anxious person when you are worrying about next years pre-order already. But seriously wondering if I made a major error in signing up for the Apple upgrade program...
GSM 7+ 128GB Black ordered at 12:04 (when Apple Store came online) now showing in my support profile!
What happens if I am not in when they deliver my iPhone?
I assume I have to sign for it, so if I'm not there will I ever see it again?
Can I choose 'leave in a safe place' option?
Same here on all fronts ... no movement yetiPhone 7+ 256GB Black AT&at ordered at 645am eastern. (I over slept ) Delivery date 10/4-10/10. Anyone with October delievery date seen any movement??
Mine starts with W5.
I agree, with the poster, I had to call apple for tech support and waited but hung up when I was on hold for over an hour. Just be patient. It will come. Calling apple will do nothing, except tie up the lines for others who need help.I get that people want their phone as soon as possible, but jeez, calling to get it expedited and staying on hold for hours?? I'm sure the phone you have will do you for the next couple of weeks until your phone arrives, it's not the end of the world for cripes sake. And yes, mine is due the 16th, but I did wait for 3 weeks last year, and the year before for my plus model. Que the pitchforks and fire breathing dragons! lol
Like a few others mine clearly said 9/16/16 when I ordered (AT&T Black 7+ 128) and then I received an e-mal at 3:12 EST saying 9/27-9/29. I even thought for a while the e-mail was just an error being that 9/16 was clear throughout the ordering process and at checkout.
That's different this year!