No, I do not see anything wrong with that, nor is your fact anything more than an opinion. Apple or T-Mobile have NOTHING to be held accountable for. NOTHING!
Not counting the carriers, there are 30 different combinations of the new phone. And in the 4 big carries and those combinations turn into 120. That makes it pretty hard to project what is going to be the best selling model, what carrier is going to sell the most, and what is going to be the worst selling model. All they can do is project what their initial sales will look like. They cannot make 6 million jet black iPhone 7s day 1 and hope they sell. This is how business works. You make projections and then deal with reality. You don't leave unsold product on the table. Unsold product = losses. It's Business 101. Supply and Demand - seeing what the Demand is and then fulfilling the Supply. NOT the other way around.
The FACT is they did announce a release date and launched sales for devices they DID have. Many, many people got brand new iPhones last Friday. Mostly those got up early to order online or wait at the Apple Store. Or those that chose the less popular models. This is the way it has worked with nearly every product launch. It's the name of the game. You sound as though everyone who wanted a phone on launch day should get one. That's not how it works.
I thought the phone I wanted 7+ silver 265 GB would be the lowest selling of the plus models, and I'd get it sooner rather than later. Doesn't appear to be the case as I'm still waiting. But, it's not a big deal.
Keep making excuses. Yes, a company like Apple cannot project sales so they dont have any Jet black devices for sale or iphone 7 plus models in order not to make too many or get stuck with unsold product. LMAO
Nothing wrong with this process and they should not be held accountable for anything.
Keep drinking the koolaid.
Everything is nice and dandy