Chatted up to the people of UPS, they say they are going to be having 5 planes a day coming from China. Doesn't mean they all have iphones. They all land in Louisville. On another note, jet blacks just started arriving today, at least iphone 7 plus 128 gb. I've got my iphone 7 128gb order placed and am patiently waiting. Way I think about it, when we receive our phones we are going to be so happy holding them thinking about how long we had to wait. I like it this way lol. Hopefully I do get it sooner though. I've got a friend who's an executive for UPS. He lets me know all of the facts. Keep in mind though, 5 planes that are not all iphones (could we apple watches) and are not only apple products. Also tmobile doesn't only get their phones, apple thinks of themselves first then the carriers, so we'll be waiting a long time sadly. But who knows, some people who had november dates just got updates that they are receiving their item tomorrow. That was Verizon but I have faith in the uncarrier!