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So what do you guys think we will get first? iPhone 7 Plus in Jet Black 128/256GB? Or the new Tool album?

I talked to T mobile wrap around 4 o'clock eastern time, and she told me that T-Mobile expects to get phones of my kind, which is a 7+ Matt black 256 GB phone sometime on Wednesday. Giant grain of salt I know, my original and current expected ship time is between today September 19 and next Monday, September 26. I hope everyone gets their phone soon!

The "wrap" probably just picked a date in between your delivery date. ;) I would say take it with a bag of salt.
OMG, this is crazy. Are we really THAT impatient that were gonna watch cargo planes on some website and run to MR forums to rage about order statuses. Talk about about first world problems.
I agree that is desperate lol
i was told the samething by 3 different reps so i cancelled and ordered a 32gb gold

Yeah, as you suspected...I really think those reps are simply quoting dates, if you placed an order today. Even if if you specify "what about my order"....they'll tell you the new order times. Simply because they have no idea exactly when the already filled preorders will be fulfilled. The JB'S will be here quicker than Nov, for those who preordered on day one. Though you probably made the right move, considering how delicate the JB finish is.
OMG, this is crazy. Are we really THAT impatient that were gonna watch cargo planes on some website and run to MR forums to rage about order statuses. Talk about about first world problems.

By that logic this whole thread is a first world problem. People complaining about not getting their phones earlier than their quoted delivery date. You have a choice - you don't have to post, follow or read.
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OMG, this is crazy. Are we really THAT impatient that were gonna watch cargo planes on some website and run to MR forums to rage about order statuses. Talk about about first world problems.

Being a macrumor regular this can't be the first time you have seen or experience the craze over new iPhones. Yes we watch cargo planes, next year you won't be surprised.
I only know you're joking because I've seen you write things like this quite a few times over the past week...
But y'know, most people would never know that youre joking, it just comes off as a straight up lie.
This post sounded vile! Pitchforks ahhh!

I'm waiting too, ya know!

and fine I'll keep the jokes down.
By that logic this whole thread is a first world problem. People complaining about not getting their phones in their quoted delivery date. You have a choice - you don't have to post, follow or read.

Not getting their phones ON TIME is only 1/3 of this thread buddy. From what I gather. Just like EVERY year. Deliveries are being made A LOT sooner than the quoted times. You must be new here. Welcome to to Apple fanboyism.
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