The 18 month payment plan is 100% normal for JOD. That's the way it works. Of course, under JOD, no one should ever keep a phone for more than 3-4 months, as doing so completely negates the benefit of JOD. You never want to put more than a few hundred bucks toward a JOD device, before upgrading to another. That's why people who only get 1 iPhone per year, should never ever be on JOD. Total waste of money. Now if you're like me, and will be getting the S8 this spring, followed by an HTC or LG device, followed by the iPhone anniversary in a year. Then it's a phone geeks wet dream
There was a user on here last week, who said they still had the 6s plus under JOD...and we're unhappy they had put so much money into it, and would just have to trade it in for 7 plus, under JOD. Obviously, this was a person who should never be on JOD to begin with. It's only awesome, if you're planning on using those 3 upgrades per year. Or at a min 2. Even then...only 2 upgrades per year, means your putting 6 months of payments toward a device, you'll never own. You don't want that.
Sorry if I'm completely off base here.... but it looked like you guys were talking about that 18 month thing and wondering if it was normal. It is. You should just never come anywhere close to keeping a JOD phone that long.
If I'm not at all talking about what you guys were talking anout. Sorry