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I ordered two iPhones 7plus' through T-Mobile's T-Mobile ONE plan offer (one Jet Black 128 GB 7plus and a Matte Black 32 GB 7plus). I am a current grandfathered AT&T original Unlimited Plan user since the original iPhone in 2007. I'm upgrading from an iPhone 6-64GB and an iPhone 6plus-16GB. I placed my order for the phones on 09/08/2016 at 10:48PM PDT. My status currently says "Being Processed" with an Estimated to ship date of 10/25/2016 - 11/11/2016. Is this typical of everyone here? Is this mess T-Mobile putting me through worth giving up my original grandfathered Unlimited Plan? Would any of you done any different? BTW, I went to my local Apple Stores and they do not have any Jet Black iPhone 7+'s either. I think they currently don't exist.

omg i also have the 10/25/2016 - 11/11/2016

whats up!!! we are next dude!!
Me waiting on my phone to have some movement....
Oh dear T-Mobile. <sigh>

So I placed my original order for two phones on the 12th. 7 Silver 128 GB and 7+ Black 128 GB. And I've been sitting here patiently and quietly waiting, knowing that I would have a little bit of a wait ahead of me since I didn't order until Day 3. I'm cool with that. I got in line late.

A text from T-Mobile came in this morning saying that I could get one of my devices sooner than the other, but only if I called T-Mobile. So I called them and sure enough, since both iPhones were on the same order, they could not ship out one sooner than the other. (Why, I don't know.) So T-Mo said that I had to cancel my existing order and place two new orders, one for each phone. I said no way since I would lose my place in line. They assured me up and down that I would not lose my place in line. After some hesitation, I went ahead and let them do it. Took forever, had to give them the IEMIs again for my trade-ins, sign new EIPs, etc.

As expected, the wife's 7 Silver 128 GB will now ship in a couple of days. Cool, but she could care less when it gets here. As for my 7+ Black 128 GB? Well, before the estimated ship date was Nov 1-Nov 15. Now thanks to this process and despite their reassurances, the system shows my new ship date as Nov 24-Dec 12.

ARRRRRGH! I know, I know, it will probably ship sooner, but this is really frustrating. I had to waste another 52 mins of my life on the phone with T-Mobile today and now I'm left with this.

John Legere says that T-Mobile is all about reducing pain points for the customer. Well, the simple act of getting a device is incredibly painful. Last year, I had to make 6 follow-up phone calls over the course of 5 months for them to finally apply my trade-in credits properly, and just today I had toss aside 52 mins of my day just to get my order right, which should have been done correctly the first time.

I love T-Mobile's network and monthly plan/benefits that I receive, but ordering a new device through them = MASSIVE time waster.
Did you get any promo offer or did are you paying the full price anyways?
Don't think so. Had an upgrade on one of my lines. $180 down and whatever over the next 24 months.

When I did the reservation for the Sprint phone, it set it up as a payment plan through sprint and I couldn't find a One time payment option. Will they let me buy it outright when I get to the store?
my ship date is 9/27-10/10. If i have to wait until 10/10 ill flip lmao
Why does it feel that we will never see a shipping notice.. :( I have set my hope standards so low now. Today is another day of possible charges going through. Once I seem sort of movement, then I will be okay but, until then, it all just seems impossible.
Why does it feel that we will never see a shipping notice.. :( I have set my hope standards so low now. Today is another day of possible charges going through. Once I seem sort of movement, then I will be okay but, until then, it all just seems impossible.
Its so irritating. Why does everyone elses ship and get origin scans. UGH!!
Im ********! T-Mobile didnt ship me my phone immediately when I ordered it on the 9th. Are they kidding me! How dare they set some B.S. 7 day shipping date range and meet it. Bars were set low and easily met. Its 2016 for gods sake. There are drones and reeses minis!! I should be able to get things instantly. Even if its a phone thats almost identical to the one i already have! Thank god there is a forum for like minded impatient individuals to bitch and moan during work hours. #murica, Trump will make preordering great again.
So everyone got shipping info for the 7+ mb 32 & i am here patiently waiting. Ok not so patiently. But i am waiting lol

On 9/9, around 3:05 am CT, I ordered my Black 32gb: My ship date was 9//27 -10/10. Just a minute ago, I checked MYUPS and I have a tracking order. The label was created yesterday and it says delivery for today. In my tmobile account, it still shows as being processed.
On 9/9, around 3:05 am CT, I ordered my Black 32gb: My ship date was 9//27 -10/10. Just a minute ago, I checked MYUPS and I have a tracking order. The label was created yesterday and it says delivery for today. In my tmobile account, it still shows as being processed.
Well I hope i get some information today because i am about to cancel my order and get one in store
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Im ********! T-Mobile didnt ship me my phone immediately when I ordered it on the 9th. Are they kidding me! How dare they set some B.S. 7 day shipping date range and meet it. Bars were set low and easily met. Its 2016 for gods sake. There are drones and reeses minis!! I should be able to get things instantly. Even if its a phone thats almost identical to the one i already have! Thank god there is a forum for like minded impatient individuals to bitch and moan during work hours. #murica, Trump will make preordering great again.
Lmao this is great satire 10/10
Im ********! T-Mobile didnt ship me my phone immediately when I ordered it on the 9th. Are they kidding me! How dare they set some B.S. 7 day shipping date range and meet it. Bars were set low and easily met. Its 2016 for gods sake. There are drones and reeses minis!! I should be able to get things instantly. Even if its a phone thats almost identical to the one i already have! Thank god there is a forum for like minded impatient individuals to bitch and moan during work hours. #murica, Trump will make preordering great again.

On 9/9, around 3:05 am CT, I ordered my Black 32gb: My ship date was 9//27 -10/10. Just a minute ago, I checked MYUPS and I have a tracking order. The label was created yesterday and it says delivery for today. In my tmobile account, it still shows as being processed.
No one who has a delivery date of today but still has no origin scan is getting it today. Tomorrow at best.
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