Oh dear T-Mobile. <sigh>
I love T-Mobile's network and monthly plan/benefits that I receive, but ordering a new device through them = MASSIVE time waster.
Just to give some insight on my brother who is on Verizon. He stopped in Monday and they are doing a way better deal where for any iPhone from the 5 forward as long as it boots you get a $400 credit towards the new phones. He ordered a 128gb MB 7 this past Monday and they are telling him he will get his phone on the 27th of September.
My mom (also Verizon) took advantage of the same deal on Tuesday for a 32gb MB 7 and they are telling her she will get her phone same day the 27th of Sept.
I bet if anything Apple says to all the carriers OK who is going to pay us the most to get the first orders and T-Mo cheaped out this year and didn't pay up so we are all getting our phones dead last.
Went to Costco last night and everyone the cellular stand was helping (who pre-ordered) had 7+ jet blacks but on Verizon and AT&T. So there is movement on these phones just not with T-Mobile.
Definitely unhappy with this launch and seriously considering for the 8 in 2 years just purchasing in full from Apple or switching from magenta all the way.
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