Should I start a new thread with this?
T-Mobile has ROYALLY screwed up my preorder/order.
I called on the 10th of September to place a pre-order. I'm on a family plan with my parents who live in Utah, and I live with my wife in California. So placing the order online wasn't an option for us.
The gentleman I spoke with was part of their Spanish team (I'm sure it was an all hands on deck type of day.) We wanted to take advantage of the pre-order deal, my wife has an iPhone 6 and it seemed like a good way to do it.
Unfortunately, despite confirming my email address 3-4 times with him, he still put my email address in wrong. One measly letter.
I called to find out about this order the following Friday, never heard anything, never got any information. Apparently they cancelled the order. So needless to say, after spending 2+ hours on the phone I'm upset.
I decided to take me and my wife to the store to place the order in store, so we go in and do the order in the store, on the 17th. We did everything, the guy even had me sign into the computer to sign the EIP agreement. Which I did, right there, in store.
We leave, I think everything is all hunky dory. 3 days later I get an email indicating that the EIP agreement has expired. WTH!!
I again call into to T-Mobile, and am told that I have to place the order again. The problem is that they didn't tell me that the deal had changed at this point. You have to switch plans to the T-Mobile One plan in order to get the free phone.
I went back into the store, talked to the guy who helped me out Saturday, he calls in, and they apparently can't do it any more unless we change plans. My father doesn't want to change plans. Plus, we just switched to the Simple Choice plan last year I think, and we have been with T-Mobile over 11 years.
So we call the Account Specialist/Account Cancellation team, and apparently not even THEY can honor it. I'm super disappointed with the hell I have had to go through because of T-Mobiles mistake.
The only offer that they can make me is that I now I have to pay $335 more than we would have had to pay had they gotten the email address correct in the first place.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas of how to get this resolved? I'm super disappointed by this whole situation and I really just want the original deal that was offered and ordered during.