And there is nothing wrong with that. At all. It happens. Sometimes there is a delay between label creation and the origin scan. Not always, but sometimes. It's just the way it is.
The guy he was responding to, was acting upset because he already had a label, had been charged, but hadn't had his phone shipped/delivered yet. Even though his "shipping" estimate doesn't start till tomorrow. I mean that's just, are you kidding me type thing.
The only people who feel like Tmo & Apple did something wrong, are "usually" people who are extremely anxious, or have some serious OCD issues. Of course, there are a few cases of Tmo screwing up someone's order, or someone who ordered 1 min after midnight, getting their's after someone who orderd at 5pm that eve....but that's not the norm. Not at all. Though the chicken little crowd would have you believe the sky is falling, when they feel wronged.
There is some guy on here who's shipping estimate isn't until November....yet he's on here everyday to make sure everyone knows, he hasn't been charged yet. Just wow.