Talked to an executive responce officer from the ceos office because I was having issues with my note 7 and note 5 return. I have another call with him today so I'll have an update for my queue
Ordered 9/9 1PM EST
Estimated shipping 11/1 - 11/30
Charged 9/30
Tracking 10/1
Delivered 10/4
See y'all next year! And to those still waiting hope you get your charges/shipping soon!
Finally congrats! Hope mine comes earlyIt's been real! Thanks for the mental distraction during this "pre-order"fiasco. TMO get your SxxxT together...
I had to go 256 because it was all the store had. I am trying to figure out what I'm going to fill it up with lol, coming from 64GB this is huge.
That sucks who did you talk to from their team?Was just told by Exec response that they could not tell me that info because they don't have access to it....
Couldn't get my phoneDrove to Hollywood for nothing even though an actual Apple employee said I can use jump there. Soooo tired of all this misinformation. I give up, I'll wait till thanksgiving...or Christmas...or New Years lol.
I could have just paid full price, but my husband would probably kill me if I charged that to the credit card haha
It sucks, but in all honesty it's probably just best for me to wait for my phone to come in the mail.
Enjoy, dude.Just got notification that mine was delivered at the store!!
Lurked from the beginning this time, last year too. Happy to see Kylee, NateAtLarge and everyone else receive their orders. I'm still here, waiting on half of my 9/9 order.
Anyone else waiting on a regular 7 jet black 128, ordered overnight 9/9?
7 matte black 128 and 7 jet black 128
7 mb received launch day, 9/16
Zero movement on 7 jet black 128
Phone order 9/9 3am ET/12am PT
Order went through, signed EIP: 530amET/230am PT +/- a few minutes
Ordered both as "free" trade-in deal after paying off JOD balance on 6s models
7 mb processed as a JOD return rather than free trade in but credit *seems* ok
7 jet black still processing, done as regular 24 month EIP, no trade-in deal
The trade-in deal was my only reason for pre-ordering through the carrier. Not thrilled about selling the 6s plus online after getting burned on eBay once. I'd keep it, but it really is too big. Would have slept that night, if I'd known!
I just called apple and they don't do the same financing as t mobile so if I want the financing I just have to wait for T-Mobile -.-
Couldn't get my phoneDrove to Hollywood for nothing even though an actual Apple employee said I can use jump there. Soooo tired of all this misinformation. I give up, I'll wait till thanksgiving...or Christmas...or New Years lol.
I could have just paid full price, but my husband would probably kill me if I charged that to the credit card haha
It sucks, but in all honesty it's probably just best for me to wait for my phone to come in the mail.
Which color is it? keep trying T-Mobile stores. A few T-Mobile stores here in Southern CA have a few RG, B, mostly in 7 not 7+I just called apple and they don't do the same financing as t mobile so if I want the financing I just have to wait for T-Mobile -.-
I ordered iPhone 7+ MB 32 GB, I'm going to try the stores.Which color is it? keep trying T-Mobile stores. A few T-Mobile stores here in Southern CA have a few RG, B, mostly in 7 not 7+
I saw black colour..oh my GOD its osum.
It was hard for me to understand the guy but if I'm not mistaken it sounds like he said I should be charged soon and my phone will ship when they receive the next batch of the RG+ ; I was told I will definitely receive my phone before the end of my ESD. Whooooooo! Progress;