Has to be, considering 90% of people who've ordered a 7 have shipping dates confirmed except for the few with jet black editions

I'm guessing these are all the plus versions that will arrive in KY sometime tommorowish time wise since they're all heading to Anch before going to Loui. We'll definitely start seeing charges for plus models for most versions apart from the jet black people tommorow. If I recall, UPS holds the iPhones on thursday regardless of whether its closest to your home or not, and accounting for a 1-2 day travel time, charges have to be on tuesday by the latest unless you have a late shipping time frame (well into october/november). I imagine anyone within the 9/19-9/26 or earlier will DEFINITELY have their jet black model by release but further than that might have to wait another week just purely due to demand for the new color. Since most of the 7 models most likely will be available to the public easily within the first few days of release, production for the jet black versions for 128/256 7 and 7+ will be ramped up since those will be prone to backorders the most, along with the 32gb matte black.