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macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2006
United States
After reading the story, I've identified the cause. They were using the iPhone to record videos.

Obviously they weren't using it for it's intended purpose... showing it off to friends. :D

The 6s is interesting.

Will be interesting to find out what they learn to be the causes.


macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2009

But one in how ever many million is nothing really.....

Funny how the iPhone "catches fire" but the Note "explodes" but they look to have the same damage, actually the iPhone looks like it experienced something more akin to an explosion...

Yes, of course it's sarcasm. But, maybe there's something to it? Hahaha...


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom

But one in how ever many million is nothing really.....

Funny how the iPhone "catches fire" but the Note "explodes" but they look to have the same damage, actually the iPhone looks like it experienced something more akin to an explosion...
Probably because the iPhone didn't even burn the box it was it so even fire was the wrong wording in this case. Looks like the battery malfunctioned though quite spectacularly. If another 600 of these stories appear we'll know we have another Note debacle.


macrumors 65816
Jun 19, 2009
United States
Any update? I'm bored. Only one suspicious explosion inside a hot car among 40 million units? It's a disappointment. Macrumors made even a pinned thread. Try more...
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macrumors member
Oct 12, 2016
If my cell phone explode or burn in fire I would probably stay silent only contact Apple and show pictures to them and ask replacement. But 99% I would not spread unnecessary panic without reason. If later many people experience same and Apple official statement is that problem exist, similar as with Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (I hope that will never happen) than I would say ...And I had same problem or something similar.
But as lonely incident I would not bother people.
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