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macrumors 603
Apr 11, 2014
Has Apple made a statement? If true it needs to be addressed but if false people need to stop spreading things that aren't true.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Has Apple made a statement? If true it needs to be addressed but if false people need to stop spreading things that aren't true.
Statement about what? Some random separate incidents of usually likely damaged devices/batteries or some sort of otherwise less than typical circumstances resulting in something like this? Things like that have been happening with all kinds of devices/batteries for a long time. So far there's nothing to specifically tie a particular model having repeated issues under normal circumstances with basically nothing else in play.


macrumors 603
Apr 11, 2014
Statement about what? Some random separate incidents of usually likely damaged devices/batteries or some sort of otherwise less than typical circumstances resulting in something like this? Things like that have been happening with all kinds of devices/batteries for a long time. So far there's nothing to specifically tie a particular model having repeated issues under normal circumstances with basically nothing else in play.

Statement about the iPhones


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Well what if some iphones are exploding
And? Not something a company would comment on unless there's something more to it, and at this point there isn't. Has that not been established enough already?
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macrumors 603
Apr 11, 2014
And? Not something a company would comment on unless there's something more to it, and at this point there isn't. Has that not been established enough already?

Yeah but they would need to let us know what the plan is


macrumors 6502a
Dec 19, 2011
Yeah but they would need to let us know what the plan is

Ever since lithium-ion batteries has been put into mobile devices, isolated incidents of fires have always been around. It is the nature of such battery tech to go up in flames if it's overheated or punctured. Manufacturers do all they can to prevent that but sometimes the inevitable do happen. Do you expect the company to come out with a statement for every such incident that occurs?

The reason Samsung had to recall and come up with statements for their Note 7 is because the batteries in the Note 7 is going up in flames at a much higher rate than every other models in the market thus far, indicating a likely manufacturing defect.

So I agree with other forumners here, as of now I don't see why Apple needs to issue a statement. They are surely investigating, but you shouldn't be waiting for a statement from them.
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macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2007
The Adirondacks.
This thread is total BS. Samsung's issues will end up being revealed as far more than bad batteries. The Note 7 was defectively designed at it's most fundamental level. Mostly due to Samsung making Engineers sleep in their offices to meet deadlines to beat the iPhone 7 to market.

Very Poor QC, Very poor R&D. Very poor Corporate Culture in the Mobil Division. End result. Note 7. :apple:
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Feb 11, 2008
Battery sometimes fail....this is not news. Google exploding iPhone, iPad, iPod , Mac and stories have existed for the last 20 years. Apple is not immune to battery failures.. .

Wow some people are defensive..... apple batteries are not magical, they can fail.
Ever since lithium-ion batteries has been put into mobile devices, isolated incidents of fires have always been around. It is the nature of such battery tech to go up in flames if it's overheated or punctured. Manufacturers do all they can to prevent that but sometimes the inevitable do happen. Do you expect the company to come out with a statement for every such incident that occurs?

The reason Samsung had to recall and come up with statements for their Note 7 is because the batteries in the Note 7 is going up in flames at a much higher rate than every other models in the market thus far, indicating a likely manufacturing defect.

So I agree with other forumners here, as of now I don't see why Apple needs to issue a statement. They are surely investigating, but you shouldn't be waiting for a statement from them.


Isolated cases will always exist.

Note 7 issues is more than batteries, design fault of the device itself. Hence the recal.

Apple devices have and always will have isolated cases of batteries failing.
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
History tells us what Apple gonna do. They are most certainly gonna blame on user for not using official charger or cable or they will find other reason. Apple is known for being denying responsibilities. How about Apple fixing "touch disease" now? Not waiting for few year and do repair program like they did with MacBook.

Apple is not trust worthy, so is Google and Microsoft. But at least I can get 299 Nexus 6 runs as smooth as iPhone 7.

Serious question. Why are you here? I don't want mindless fanboy posts even on an Apple forum but some only criticise and don't even like the company or its products so I don't get it.


macrumors 603
Apr 11, 2014
A plan relating to nothing?

If the phones are exploding
Ever since lithium-ion batteries has been put into mobile devices, isolated incidents of fires have always been around. It is the nature of such battery tech to go up in flames if it's overheated or punctured. Manufacturers do all they can to prevent that but sometimes the inevitable do happen. Do you expect the company to come out with a statement for every such incident that occurs?

The reason Samsung had to recall and come up with statements for their Note 7 is because the batteries in the Note 7 is going up in flames at a much higher rate than every other models in the market thus far, indicating a likely manufacturing defect.

So I agree with other forumners here, as of now I don't see why Apple needs to issue a statement. They are surely investigating, but you shouldn't be waiting for a statement from them.

Okay I'm just looking out for The People


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
If the phones are exploding

Okay I'm just looking out for The People
And the phones exploding are isolated incidents that don't really have anything to do with Apple (at least nothing so far), so basically nothing for Apple to really comment on.


Jun 18, 2010
Phones do spontaneously combust. Galaxy S4 had removable battery and there were stories of it burning up. What matters more is the how and the why? I wasn't buying the story of the Note7 burning up the jeep and turned out to be a lie. But the Southwest Airline incident was the nail in the coffin for it. We need to see more samples of this happening and not scenarios where someone leaves their phone on some forced upon scenario to make it burn.
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macrumors 603
Apr 11, 2014
And the phones exploding are isolated incidents that don't really have anything to do with Apple (at least nothing so far), so basically nothing for Apple to really comment on.

Are you sure? Apple needs to make a statement to clarify what's going on.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2015
No, as it stands they really do not. That is, unless they want to shoot themselves in the leg by propagating FUD where there really is no need for it. Comparing what is happening with a few iPhones f. ex. with the recent Note 7 clusterf*** will do no one any good, and making a statement at this point in time will prompt just that. Comparisons where none are needed.
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macrumors 603
Oct 7, 2012
This thread is total BS. Samsung's issues ... Mostly due to Samsung making Engineers sleep in their offices to meet deadlines to beat the iPhone 7 to market.

Very Poor QC, Very poor R&D. Very poor Corporate Culture in the Mobil Division. End result. Note 7. :apple:

If the problem was because of rushing and poor QC procedures, why is it the source of the problem hasn't been found out yet? There has been tons of time since the recall. Lots of time to do proper QC procedures to find problems. Why is it no one has found out the source of the problem yet? I bet lots of groups like anandtech or ifixit have done their own investigation and can't find the source of the fault.

All that has been spoken about rushing to beat the iPhone 7 is from an anonymous source in the Forbes article and everyone has parroted since.


macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2013

But one in how ever many million is nothing really.....

Funny how the iPhone "catches fire" but the Note "explodes" but they look to have the same damage, actually the iPhone looks like it experienced something more akin to an explosion...
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